What humanity is not only in the struggle for youth and beauty, inventing new techniques and drugs! One of the latest anti-aging innovations - microneedle therapy, better known as microneedling (mikronidling) - claim to the podium in cosmetology. Even Angelina Jolie herself hopelessly in love with this procedure.
Many of the needles does not happen
Surely many microneedle therapy associated with acupuncture. In part, they are similar, but only pricks of needles in the last procedure much more. Although it sounds rather daunting, pain during treatment is minimal. But first things first.
What is this new? If literally translated microneedling, this small needle puncture ("micro" (small), "needle" (needle), "needling" (puncture, puncture)). This is a cosmetic treatment, performed using a special roller-skater with numerous small needles (from 169 to 540 or more). Microscopic skin lesions, which remain on the patient's face after the "journey" prickly roller well stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin generation. This considerably improves the regeneration of skin cells, reduces scars, reduces wrinkles and slows down the aging process.

According to clinical trials mikronidling proved much more effective than chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and on the development of elastin and collagen results microneedle therapy is not worse than that of laser rejuvenation procedures, CO2, Fraxel and IPL. In general, the microneedle therapy is applied on the face, the neck and the head on the surface to improve hair growth.
Home Roller less scratchy
The so-called pocket Dermaroller ™ (dermaroller) - the same "nipping roller" - invented at the end of the last century by a German scientist. Then in 2000, it is a useful device is now available. And in the United States opened the whole company Dermaroller. Its representatives, and to this day successfully promoting miracle roller (worth about $ 149), which is slightly different from a professional device used in beauty salons or clinics.

Home Dermaroller ™ needles are not as long (about 0, 2 mm), and their number is small (about 162 pcs.). Therefore, the procedure is simple and less painful. However, as practice shows, the use of dermorollera at home is not so efficient than specialized salons. But it can be purchased in order to periodically maintain the effect after professional procedures.
Do not forget to clean and disinfect
In essence microneedle therapy - it is more economical but no less effective method than the famous and expensive laser rejuvenation (Fraxel). Before the procedure, a beautician conducts first mandatory cleaning of the face, then applied to the patient's skin anesthetic cream (eg, "Emla"). After 15-20 minutes, the skin is disinfected and, if necessary, cover it with a special cocktail mesotherapeutic. It is much better to penetrate the skin cells after mikroprokolov dermorollera (skalprollera, mezorolera).

Next on the specified areas of the skin specialist, gently pressing (not much), repeatedly conducting roller for 5-10 minutes. Then beautician can apply on face nourishing mask and special sunscreen because mikroprokoly make the skin more vulnerable to UV rays. Typically, the procedure prescribed for 1-2 sessions a week for 2-3 months, or until the problem is solved.
Each patient - a new scooter
A tool for medical treatments made of steel. The width of its needle - is virtually constant - 0, 1 mm. But the length varies depending on the purpose of the procedure:
- Short needles 0, 2-0, 5 mm - helps faster absorption of skin nutrients assets, improve complexion, make micro, strengthen the skin's surface and are struggling with the fine wrinkles around the eyes;
- The average of the needle from 0, 5-1, 5 mm - used to massage the scalp, eliminating the hair loss, but on the face and body to help eliminate stretch marks, smoothes the skin, improve skin tone, tightens pores;
- Long needles of 1, 5-3 mm - regenerate skin cells, increasing its elasticity, reduce scars, stretch marks and scars.

It is important to ensure that the roller beautician used sterilized or changed each time a new one. It is necessary to eliminate the possibility of infection through the skin mikroprokoly left by roller. The owners of the most sensitive and delicate skin feel discomfort, and mikroranki on their face may bleed slightly. In any case, before the procedure is important consultation with a dermatologist.
Pitfalls "barbed" therapy
After the procedure, patients are asked about a day to treat your face (or head) especially carefully, without disturbing its cosmetic products (except for special healing and moisturizing agents), without causing masks, makeup, creams and so forth. While heal mikroranki better to wait with the campaign in bath, sauna, solarium, swimming pool and gym. It should refrain from clothing or accessories related to the puncture site, and do not forget to protect from the sun cream (SPF 20).
Pain from dermorollera may feel more people experiencing stress or during menstruation. During the healing of wounds, some patients experience dry and a slight burning sensation of the skin, which is considered quite normal. But if after 24 hours have not passed redness and swelling, it is best to consult a doctor.

Experts advise not recorded on the microneedle therapy if the patient:
- There are moles (nevi);
- Skin disorders (including acne, herpes, etc.);
- Keloid scars;
- Rosacea;
- Different skin injuries (burns, wounds, inflammation).
Do not risk those who are sick with diabetes, suffer from chronic infections, hemophilia, epilepsy, cancer or cardiovascular disease, and who have skin prone to keloids or excessive sensitivity. And, of course, no need to hurry with the choice of this procedure during pregnancy.

Youth and health to you and your skin!