The fair sex love to improve their own appearance. The funds used for this purpose are very different - someone puts on fashion and style, dressing in leading world trends, while others prefer a spectacular make-up with sequins and rhinestones, and others - depict scenic patterns on the body. And if a change of clothes and remove make-up is not too much difficulty, what to do with the drawings on the body, which have ceased to please?
Reasons for tattoo removal can be a thousand and one. Banal "bored" picture clarity lost or altered beyond recognition. Before we move on to the methods of eliminating wearable paintings, let's see how to carry out the procedure of tattooing!
The technique is very simple: in the middle layer of the skin with a needle inserted special paint or gel, which form the desired pattern. Since the pattern itself is under the skin, it is resistant to mechanical stress and can not be removed at gunpoint abrasives.
One would assume that in such circumstances the tattoo might be plenty long in its original form, but this is unfortunately not the case. There are a number of reasons why its appearance deteriorates.

3 cause for grief
Painting began to fade.
Under the influence of time can lose pigment color bright colors, which ultimately leads to the "dullness" and "darkness" the appearance of a tattoo. Besides, since the work done poorly pigment can "flow" under the skin significantly blurring the picture. If this happens, you need to apply to the tattoo parlor where a tattoo placed for its correction.
Figure loses its shape.
Women's bodies are inherently subject to many physical changes. Pregnancy and childbirth, weight fluctuations lead to the fact that the pattern on the body is also changing. It is compressed and stretched, lost proportions pattern becomes unclear and difficult.
The pattern has lost relevance.
What was fashionable yesterday today - the last century. For it is impossible to keep up with fashion and this has to be considered. Before applying the tattoo, you should be aware that once it ceases to be important in your eyes and the people around you. The bold tattoo on the buttocks and in the bikini area might not like your spouse, and drawing on his shoulder - the boss of the company where you work.
All these disadvantages tattoos encountered almost every woman who has delivered at least once a tattoo. Putting drawings on the body - it is easy, but getting rid of a pattern - a long and troublesome.

6 methods of getting rid of tattoos
Fortunately, the aesthetic medicine has a good arsenal of methods of tattoo removal. Which one is right for you will help you understand the doctor, we will also tell you about the nature of each procedure and its positive and negative sides.
Laser removal.
The most popular, virtually painless. Depending on the color of ink that used in the making undergarments drawing, the master can use a variety of devices with different wavelengths. Under the impact of the light beam colored pigment tattoo is split into microscopic particles, which are then output via the lymph flow. To fully get rid of tattoos may take a few visits to the doctor. This usually 3-10 procedures that were painted for three to six weeks, or even months. Gaps between sessions required to have skin that is exposed, it is time for regeneration and recovery.
At its heart is a new tattoo. Above the picture, lost their luxury, applied an identical pattern pigment skin color. Naturally, it overrides the old tattoo, whereby the latter becomes "invisible." The second version of this procedure - a small tattoo masking other more extensive in size. That is a pattern that is fed up, applied to the other, overlapping his color combinations and girth area.
Drawing on the body of an electric current to cauterize. The procedure is quite effective, but painful (performed under general anesthesia) and burdened with long recovery period.
This deletion pattern undergarments by cauterization liquid nitrogen. Guarantees an absolute deliverance from the tattoo does not, however, about 90 percent will be able to remove the color pigment. As a result, the procedure pattern on the body will faint, barely noticeable. However, the formation of scars.
The second name of this method - a deep grinding. Special cutters to cut off the abrasive surface of the colored layer of the skin, followed by a long recovery period.
Surgical excision.
Traumatic method, which involves the removal of tattoos with the skin on which it is applied. This method is effective even when the drawing was applied unprofessional dye penetrated into the deep layers of the skin. However, this method is recommended only after the other when not give the desired result.
Tattoo removal - a process more time-consuming than applying it. So before you put another decoration on the body think, do you really want? Maybe it is better to clothes or makeup? Be beautiful!
Author: Natalia Bartukova