Venus and Olay are improved razor in a bright pink: five-blade Venus system provides a gentle exfoliation, Olay pads allow to keep natural moisture *, skin radiance is increased by 30% **.
This goddess is always ready to be the center of attention and to feel the admiring glances at her silky smooth, soft and radiant skin. To help women every day to feel beautiful and attractive, a world leader in women's shaving and skin care Venus and Olay continue to work together and are updated razor Venus & Olay. This novelty is impossible not to notice: it is different and spectacular pink design and aroma of sweet berries, and improved performance. Five blades Venus gently peel pads Olay ensure the maintenance of the natural humidity * - and the skin after using a new razor becomes 30% more radiant. **
What is the skin of the goddess?
Every woman wants to have skin like a goddess, but what does that mean? *** Specially conducted survey showed the following distribution of the views of the participants:
smooth - 68%;
healthy-looking - 66%;
radiant - 65%;
soft - 61%;
pleasant to the touch - 51%.
And even more important question: how to achieve a flawless skin and maintain it? 67% of women think that to have a skin like a goddess, exfoliation is necessary - that is, removing the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing a young and beautiful skin. 59% of respondents called exfoliation base component of routine care.

Exfoliate and not only - with a razor Venus & Olay
When creating a new razor Venus & Olay were combined the most modern technology Venus and Olay, so in addition to the clean comfortable shave at the same time it provides an excellent skin care.
system of five blades Venus gently exfoliates the skin, gently removing dead skin cells - so shave replaces peeling.
built-in pads Olay moisturizers help maintain the natural moisture level of the skin *, making it incredibly soft, well-groomed and beautiful. The composition includes glycerin pads and petrolatum as well as shaving gel longer than razor Venus Breeze. Due to this now can not use a shaving gel separately.
after the application of the new razor Venus & Olay skin gets 30% more radiant. **

The novelty has other nice features: the area of gel pads is increased by 25% compared with Venus Breeze, designed in a mind-blowing pink color and razor-school acquired feminine aroma of sweet berries.
* Even less dryness compared with the razor Venus Breeze over time.
** Condition the skin after shaving, compared with the state of the skin before shaving.
*** The study was conducted in 2011.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova