All children and adults are also very fond of the circus. After the circus - it is a holiday, bright, interesting and unforgettable! And what could be better than a circus? Only Circus Santa Claus! He is not only interesting, but also a fabulous, mysterious, fun! And most importantly - it involves the main wizard of the country - Santa Claus! You want to see a circus with your own eyes? Then hurry up!
Social network "Home Moms"
together with
LLC "Artshougrupp"
conducting competition entitled "The Circus of Santa Claus." To participate in the contest must be put on the contest page, from 1 to 3 photos of the child in costumes of different animals (foxes, bears, goats, rabbits, etc.).
Five winners of the contest will receive a free 2 tickets to a fabulous show "Circus of Santa Claus 2"

About the show
Again during the winter school holidays in SC "Olympic" main winter Wizard of Father Christmas suit for Muscovites and visitors a real New Year's holiday.
In a unique 40 meter circus fairy-tale characters from fairy tales of different countries and take part in exciting sports. Commentator competition invited a well-known television presenter "Carousel" Kalyaka-Malyaka.
Baron Munchausen, Pippi Longstocking, Thumbelina, Dr. Aibolit, magician Goodwin Karlosona come together in an uncompromising struggle against Opletaev, devils, devils with stripes and the other evil spirits, led by Baba Yaga. Fizkulturnaya team of Baba Yaga, will do anything to win the Olympics, using not the most athletic techniques. The fight will be exciting, because the winner of the competition will be given the honorable right to light the lights in the beauty-tree the size of a five-story building. To determine the winners of the New Year's Olympics will be young viewers via a magical miracle device "aplodismometra."
Participate here: http://www.stranamam.ru/contest/cirkus/
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova