In this contest we offer to cook a dish from ingredients that include the name of a musical scale, for example, in the MI-TO-r sa-la-mi, OSU-PE-C and others. Prepare interesting dish and decorate any style of music (rock, pop, blues, country, etc.) and present a dish to the competition "Culinary range of flavors."
To help you provide a list of recommended components & gt; & gt; & gt ;. Salt, sugar, water, oil (any) Flavourings (list of spices herein & gt; & gt; & gt;) - can be used without limitation.
Required condition
: The recipe must be prepared
of the product in which there are titles of musical scales, i.e. name of ingredient contains the syllables do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si; dish should correspond to the topics of the competition, the mandatory representation of dishes in one of the music styles.
Recipes for the contest are accepted from
6 September to 6 October 2010 (inclusive)
The competition results will be announced:
October 11, 2010.
For the winners of the company SUPRA has provided the following prizes:
1 place
- Multivarka SUPRA
2nd place
- Microwave SUPRA
3rd place

Other prizes
- 3 user receive clock radio SUPRA

Full rules here.