We invite you to take part in a culinary competition from LG Online Povarenok.ru. In this contest we offer to cook a dish from a particular set of ingredients. Categories prescriptions are not limited.
School years - a good and carefree time, cheerful and happy time, which left a warm (or not) memories. We invite you to submit to meet school friends now. Maybe someone and really organize ... Prepare a feast for them, complete your subjects in school, tell the story of a school, apply interesting photos.
10 ingredients for the dishes
: Meat (flesh), aubergine, pear, orange, pasta (including rice noodles), tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, cheese, nuts (any). Salt, water, oil (any) Flavourings (list of spices herein & gt; & gt; & gt;) - can be used without limitation. The dish can be prepared from any of the listed ingredients (everything is optional!).
Conditions of the competition
1. The competition is held among the recipes Site Povarenok.ru. Category prescription - at the user's choice.
2. The competition is only recipes with step by step photos.
3. The recipe must contain at least
Three (3) step by step photos
4. Recipe submitted for the competition must not have been previously published on the website
And, according to our rules elsewhere. The administration reserves the right to withdraw from the competition like recipes.
5. Recipe submitted for the competition must not be published on other sites before the end of the contest. The administration reserves the right to withdraw from the competition like recipes.
6. Recipes rights are not owned by the user to place them in the competition are not involved. The administration reserves the right to delete these recipes from the site.
Required condition
: Recipe to be prepared only from a set of ingredients listed above (selection of the ingredients from the list provided to the user); dish should correspond to the topics of competition, compulsory registration in the school style.
8. prescription have to be marked correct assignment: On the festive table.
9. The recipe should be placed in the category corresponding to the ingredients of dishes.
10. The number of prescriptions from one user - not limited. However, the number of wins recipes may be only one material from one user.
11. The description of the recipe you need to use the "Evening school friends." The competition will take part only those works which are stated in the description is a phrase.
12. Recipes winners chosen by an independent jury, which consists of the administration Povarёnok.ru (Jane, IvLim, Svetlana) and representatives of LG, relying on their own subjective judgments about the quality recipes.
13. The competition can not participate Povarёnok.ru administration officials and their relatives. This restriction does not apply to the project moderators.
pay attention
: It is a restriction of competition in the region delivering prizes! Free delivery of prizes is carried out only within Russia. If you live outside of Russia - the tender may prize will be delivered to your relatives or friends in our country.
Recipes for the contest are accepted from
1 September to 1 October 2010 (inclusive)
The competition results will be announced:
October 5, 2010

For the winners, LG has provided the following prizes:
1 place
- Microwave with double rotating grill Duo Master Grill

Category: Grill
Volume: 25 l
Color: silver
Power: Master Grill - 2150 W
The increased diameter of the turntable (320mm)
Wide LED-display
2nd place
- Vacuum cleaner LG Steam KOMPRESSOR technology steam cleaning

Maximum power consumption: 2050 W
Suction power: 340 W
System protection: 6 steps
Filtering: Coal + HEPA13
Cord Length: 9 m
Aluminium telescopic tube
Bits: steam, carpet / floor, dust, crevice
Cover: finely porous absorbent pad made of microfiber, 3 pcs.
3rd place
- Breadmaker HB2001

Weight loaf: 1000g
Function cooking butter
The function of making yogurt
Russian Cook
The viewing window on the cover
A removable cover
Save function warm bread for 3 hours
Postponing the launch of 4 hours and 10 minutes to 12 hours
Power: 550W (the main heating element), 100W (kneading machine)
Complete contest rules - here.