Cold or allergy?
 Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year, meets us bright leaves, the abundance of a variety of vegetables and fruits ... cold. Get your feet wet in the cold rain or protect themselves against the piercing wind, we start sniffling and sneezing. Calling the cause of our ailments "cold" we are beginning to be treated carefully, not knowing that their cause can be completely different disease - an allergy.

To distinguish an allergy from a cold, you need to look closely at the symptoms. Colds usually begin abruptly within 18-24 hours after being hit by the virus in the body, and is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication - headaches, muscle pain, weakness, pain and sore throat, nasal congestion. Sometimes there may be a rise in temperature. All of the above is usually held within one week.

If after this period you keep sneezing, runny (clear watery discharge) not only stopped, but under certain circumstances increases, it is likely that you are allergic. The overall toxicity is missing or appears to a much lesser extent.

What is the reason? Commented Irina deposit, physician, MD, an expert of the "" "The allergy - a reaction of the immune system to certain substances, allergens. Getting on the nasal mucosa, conjunctiva of the eye, they cause an allergic reaction, which is a consequence of allergic rhinitis, which can occur at any time of the year. Itching and tickling in the nose, redness of the nose, watery eyes can result from contact with allergens such as house dust, animal dander, foods. "

To determine the cause, carefully analyze under what circumstances and at what time of day appears or worsens allergic rhinitis. The symptoms of allergy to house dust appear after awakening, as the main habitat of dust mites, the "source" of this type of allergy - the bed. An allergic reaction to animal dander can appear in direct contact with pets and when wearing fur. Food allergy occurs after eating certain foods.

In most cases for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and as a means of emergency when it occurs prescribe antihistamines of the second generation. For example, on the basis of the active substance as desloratadine. This drug has proven efficacy and safety. It is taken once a day, effectively acts in various forms and manifestations of allergy, and does not cause drowsiness.

In any case, if you suspect an allergy you should consult with an allergist. Using a special blood test to allergens, he will reveal the true cause of poor health. With proper treatment, and compliance with the doctor's instructions Allergic symptoms can be minimized or even completely get rid of them. If they are left unattended, even a simple allergic reaction can progress to a more severe form (eg, atopic asthma).

Author: Julia Gnedina