Remember boom 80 clip-on machines for hair? At first there were just a rectangular, then different colors, then prints and textures. And, of course, we have conquered the enormous number of different shapes and silhouettes: in the form of birds, animals, flowers, geometric shapes ... But then they somehow moved out of sight of the stylists. And in the last year and we have returned the tape volume scrunchy and spring 2011. Meet the coming of a new clip!
At least talking about this recent impressions Spring Collection Spring-2011 demonstrated recently at the New York Fashion Week.
Designers like a conspiracy, and his hair was decorated with models of a variety of pins. However, they have some reason this trend is considered to be the return of the 70's, but we have plastic clips appeared somewhat later, right?
Well, we do not mind: Dating, roemsya in their bins, looking for the shops and boutiques. And in the spring for sure Get a couple of exclusive pins.
And this - the girl with bobby pins with hits NYFW.

Author: Julia Gnedina