Thinness longer interferes with conception, than obesity
 Weight, far from the norm, the doctors called one of the factors preventing conception. However, as scientists have found, thinness does more harm to our fertility than obesity.

Recently, when obesity is constantly fighting, nutritionists insisted that extra weight, in addition to other health problems, and appearance, and leads to difficulties in conception. However, this risk never compared to those women who are underweight.

American study found that thin women are less likely to become pregnant than those who are overweight or even obese.

In the study, 2,500 women (who were trying to conceive with IVF in the reproductive center of Chicago) were divided into three groups by weight: very thin, normal and obese. For eight years, at different times, these women were observed in the center and trying to get pregnant.

As a result, those who are at a normal weight, became pregnant in 50% of cases. Among women who become pregnant fat - 45%, and from the group of thin women could conceive only 34%.

Very thin - those whose body mass index (BMI) between 14 and 18. For example, this may be a BMI in women growth 162, 5 cm and weighing 44 to 45 kg (BMI 17).

It is known that thin women reduces the amount of the female hormone estrogen, and it is often associated with infertility in women too thin. However, this study examined women who go for IVF and all the hormones they were brought back to normal. Women in all three groups made the same number of eggs, and the problem with the conception occurs in the later stages, when the fertilized cell is implanted into the uterus. Difficult to implement embryos into the uterus is very thin women, this is the verdict of scientists.

Author: Julia Gnedina