When at the end of autumn and the cold literally close approached, we could not help looking for - what would cheer yourself raise mood and immunity, to please the soul and body. And the food in this sense is not in last place. Winter table is not so rich in vitamins, of course, in the modern world can be, regardless of seasonality, every day, to have a menu of tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes and strawberries. But let's be honest, glossy and unnatural nice view of fruits and vegetables as it is, not what causes appetite, but even arouses some concern.
Tolley thing beautiful bright orange, persimmon, - now just started her season and she is gaining sweetness and favor. Someone not used to its taste may seem too astringent and pungent, but this is only the beginning. You will surely rasprobuete and love this beautiful, tasty and healthy fruit !. And the notorious viscosity of persimmon, the phenomenon is quite conditional and indicates a high content of tannin during maturation. When the fruits ripen - astringent properties disappear, along with tannin almost completely, and the persimmon becomes very tasty, sweet and juicy. And the content of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, it can give odds to many fruits of autumn-winter period.

Persimmon - eat your health!
Persimmon fruits contain up to 25% glucose and sucrose, and therefore it is sweet. In addition it consists of vitamins C and E, provitamin A, malic and citric acid, rich in iron, calcium, copper, manganese and potassium. With this composition, persimmon - fruit is indispensable in the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases. According to Health Scout (information service on health in the UK) in the fight against atherosclerosis persimmon even ahead of, certainly a healthy fruit, like apples. The persimmon greater than apples, - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. By the number of copper and zinc persimmon slightly behind, but dietary fiber in it ten times more than apples.

Persimmon relieves fatigue, calms the nervous system, restores appetite and improves performance, boosts immunity, fights aging, has beneficial effects on vision
. Last but not least, all these qualities Persimmon due to the high content of ripe fruit beta-carotene, that he dyed it orange
. Beta-carotene (provitamin A) - the stuff of which our body synthesizes vitamin A alone
. Beta-carotene, being a very strong antioxidant that can fight free radicals that destroy the cellular structure, and this is due to its anti-aging effect on the skin
. It should be noted that in his persimmon more than in tomatoes, pumpkin and sweet peppers
. The same beta-carotene takes care of our respiratory system and prevents the development of bronchitis and pneumonia
. If you have not quit bad privychku- smoking, the persimmon - your fruit
. In folk medicine, the fruit is used in various diseases of the kidneys and bladder
. Magnesium content in the persimmon high enough helps to excrete sodium and unloads kidney
. Rich persimmon and iron, so it is especially useful for women, because every month the female body loses about 30 mg of this element
. A couple of fruits a day would fill and prevent iron deficiency anemia

Calorie fresh persimmon about 53 calories per 100 grams of fruit, it is a little, just a little more than apples. So if you watch the figure, or try to get rid of excess weight, persimmons will not hurt you.
The only contraindication to the use of persimmon - peptic ulcer, adhesive disease and condition after operations on the stomach and intestines. By eating persimmon with caution must treat patients with diabetes, and, given the astringent properties of persimmon, with a tendency to constipation.
But even if the features of your body do not give you fully enjoy the taste of persimmon, nothing prevents you from using it as a wonderful cosmetic.
Persimmon for skin and hair
They say that the mask of the persimmon is very fond of the Japanese geisha. I do not know what is required more than their skin white and his breast tenderness - miraculous masks, healthy eating or a thick layer of makeup, but that the persimmon is ideal for the manufacture of cosmetics funds home, no doubt! For a simple mask is enough to crush a persimmon puree to the state, which can be applied to the skin and hair. This left on for 20-25 minutes the mask makes hair more elastic and shiny, and the skin fresh and supple. A 8-10 minutes on the face is enough to remove from it all traces of fatigue.
Persimmon - the fruit of a universal, it is perfectly suited for dry, oily, aging and problematic skin.

Soothing mask for all skin types
Beat the flesh of one ripe persimmon, add a teaspoon of rice flour and stir. Apply on face and chest area for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
The mask for aging skin
Persimmon puree mixed with 1 tablespoon of whipped cream or sour cream. Apply on face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Nourishing mask for dry skin
Mix a teaspoon of grated pulp persimmon with 1 tablespoon of honey, egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of camellia oil (or olive). Add 1 teaspoon of soy flour. Mix everything and put a mask on the skin for 15 minutes.
Lotion for dry, aging skin
The juice of the fruit of persimmon mixed with 0, 5 cups of water, a tablespoon of cologne and a teaspoon of glycerin.
Mask for oily skin porous
The pulp of persimmon mixed with beaten egg white. The mask cleanses, refreshes, whitens, tones the skin. Rate - 15-20 masks 2- 3 times a week.
Lotion for oily skin
Beat the whites to one egg Stir in small portions (dropwise) 0, 5 cups of cologne, the same spirit of camphor and a tablespoon of persimmon juice.
The mask for aging, loose skin
Mix a teaspoon of persimmon juice with a tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, corn). Add to the mixture little potato flour (starch). The mask has nourishing, toning and soothing effect.

Cream-mask for dry and normal skin
Table box mashed persimmon pulp, rub with a tablespoon of butter, egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey until smooth. The cream is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, the excess is removed with a paper towel.
Anti-cellulite body mask
Clean 2 persimmon from skin, mash the pulp and mix with 3 tbsp. spoons of sea salt. Add 2 tablespoons juice orange and lemon and mix until smooth. Massage rub fruit mixture into a pre-steamed problem areas. Rinse the mask under a strong stream of warm water, and then take a contrast shower.
Choosing the right persimmon
Excessive astringency persimmon shows its immaturity. So try to choose only ripe fruit. The varieties of persimmon are many (over 500), but on the shelves in the season, we basically see two main - "Sharon" and "korolёk."
Sharon, a kind of Oriental persimmon, named after the place of cultivation (the valley of Sharon in Israel) - the fruit is quite large in size, shape, heart-shaped oval in ripe condition bright orange, with the departure of red. Goldcrest - smaller, round shape in mature state through the translucent skin of the orange flesh of chocolate brown, has a bone. Maturity persimmon can be determined and "tails", which ideally should be dried up. The skin should be firm and smooth, flesh - very soft. It is up to the maximum benefit of this fruit!

Quite often encountered commercially, and so-called
) Persimmon, - perhaps this is the sort of sweet persimmon, even before cloying. Tangerines it because its shape resembles the shape of a tangerine, well, honey, of course, to taste. Seed this persimmon no flesh bright orange, when fully ripe the fruit it becomes jelly consistency. The only negative - bad transported, due to extreme tenderness.
So, persimmon season is in full swing - do not miss the chance to improve the body, as well as to diversify its menu to improve the appearance, skin and hair!