Sensing the change in the body, feelings, you did a test and found two strips. About a miracle happened. And the joyous sense of anticipation baby sneak all sorts of fears about appearance. And whether I am appealing to the wife, as before? I will not I terrible and ugly, because during pregnancy will have a lot of refuse. Here are some tips on how to keep its charm and beauty while carrying the baby and after childbirth.
Food for Beauty
There is a widespread misconception that the future mom simply has to eat for two. Yes, metabolism is accelerated pregnant, but that is no reason to overeat and gain weight rapidly. It is better to eat often and in small portions than not, and what to eat too much at a time. Be sure to diversify your diet, include in your diet mostly vegetables and fruits. With a carry in a handbag apple or nuts for snacking products more natural than fast food. Try to eliminate from your diet variety of cookies and other baked goods. About the fact that you need to completely give up smoking and alcohol, he knows every pregnant woman who is worried about the health of their future child.

Clothing for the expectant mother
If in the first trimester are no special requirements for clothes not, starting from the second trimester of the garment should be treated responsibly. It should be comfortable, do not put pressure on the abdomen and do not hamper movement. If earlier the women wore simple clothes and looked larger in connection with the baggy and shapeless, but now there are many stores that sell clothes for pregnant and lactating mothers. They can choose how classic clothes for the office, and stylish casual wear, including jeans and stylish tunics. This will allow you to look glamorous at any stage of pregnancy.
On a separate note underwear of the future mother. It is also advisable to buy a special. Chest increases in size, and you will not notice as an old bra will begin to cut into the skin and squeeze the breast. Choose your underwear to help in the store. You can choose a bra that will come in handy during breastfeeding. After all, after the birth you will not be able to go shopping. Special bra for feeding in this period will be very helpful.

To avoid the appearance of varicose veins buy a compression garment. It can be as tights and stockings.
Hair during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the hair becomes thicker and more beautiful. But this is not due to the fact that the hair was longer, the number of bulbs is not increased. And because the hair does not fall out. Paint them and cut during pregnancy is not recommended. But I want to look beautiful all the same. And what about those who have the gray hair. Not to paint? No. To you can come to the aid of henna. Previously, henna was one color, red. Now you can choose any color that you like. The colors are bright and saturated. Thanks henna hair will be shiny and healthy. Just can not be painted with henna often, use henna no more than once a month.
You can still make a mask for hair on the basis of burdock oil. It should be noted that all these means are not very expensive.
Facial Treatments
It is desirable to reduce the use and cosmetics. In order to grow his eyelashes like teledivy enough every day to apply castor oil to eyelashes using a brush for mascara. Pre brush should be thoroughly washed.
A person can be cleaned in place of cream apricot oil. Instead of cream around the eyes, you can use almond oil - is perfectly smooths wrinkles. These oils can be purchased at any pharmacy.
Instead of a face mask, you can use cosmetic clay. It is an excellent antiseptic, cleanses the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Behind it again to the pharmacy.

Pregnancy and sport
Whether combining sport and pregnancy? Of course yes! This will benefit not only the future mom, and baby. Moreover, a good physical form allows you to quickly recover from childbirth.
If you are totally against the sport and it does not make friends, then at least sign up to the pool and swim a couple of times a week.
It is impossible to underestimate and hiking in the fresh air, especially if they are in the park, in the woods. Watching the beautiful scenery and has beneficial effects on the emotional state of a pregnant woman.
Almost every city, there are fitness centers where you can practice your physical fitness throughout the year. You can also ask and classes for pregnant women. The most popular are water aerobics. There is no danger of falling, water offloads the spine, reduces swelling in pregnant women.

In addition, there is a special yoga for pregnant women, different types of gymnastics. Sure, you need to pre-warn the coach or fitness instructor about their interesting position. Engage only be fun and at the slightest ailments training should be discontinued.
But the biggest beauty secret is the pregnancy itself, waiting for a miracle. During this period, the woman lit inner beauty and love, and all efforts can only emphasize its charm. Being pregnant and attractive at the same time is not only possible, but necessary.