By their nature, more women than men are metal ornaments and jewelry, so it is fair sex is more susceptible to such rare, at first glance, illnesses, allergies to metal. How does it manifest itself? And how to avoid it?
In most cases, an allergic reaction to the metal does not bear heavy consequences, creating quite tangible discomfort, causing itching, skin irritation and pain. But there are cases where an allergy to metal implants after prosthetics even led to death.

Where did?
Although doctors are not yet able to establish its main causes, recent studies show that allergies are involved in the development of T-cells of the immune system. Experts from the Japanese Sendai University proved that people suffering from bacterial infections are more prone to allergies to metal. And if they are in contact with metal during infection, then this type of allergy may intensify and consolidate, often manifesting itself in the future.
Some of the most common metals allergens - a nickel, cobalt or chromium. Allergy to copper, zinc, tin and silver is much less. Statistically nickel causes an allergic reaction in 17% of women and 5% of men and of chromium and cobalt suffer only from 1% to 3% of the world population. Therefore, most often the source of the allergy becomes nickel and alloys, which love to use jewelers to: hide surface defects of certain gemstones or just decoration, improve their brightness.

Constitute a particular danger fake jewelry plated. Even at first glance, pure gold or silver can be diluted with nickel. But most of the probability of encountering malicious metal - to purchase products from white gold, because in addition to silver, palladium, platinum, zinc, its members often nickel is added.

How do you recognize?
Allergy to metal contact referred to since allergies, since the reaction occurs within 24 hours after contact with the metal skin or mucosa. Typically, its symptoms occur on a limited area of the body, and in the absence of exposure to the allergen tested within a few days after infection. The most common symptoms are:
- Irritation of the skin, resembling eczema (contact dermatitis)
- Itching,
- Rash,
- Inflammation,
- Localized redness,
- Pain.
With long-term interaction with the metal-allergen skin may darken, thicken and coarsen. Accelerate allergic reaction, in particular, nickel is capable of normal perspiration.

How to protect yourself?
The best way to stop this type of allergy - to stop wearing jewelry or other objects that may cause undesired reaction. Some people mistakenly believe that by continuing to wear such jewelry, leather over time, "get used" and allergies disappear. But it's just confusing because gradually irritation and pain will only increase and may lead to negative consequences.
There are special Allergy sprays that cover the metal and create a barrier to contact with the skin, thereby protecting the body. But the effect of these funds is far not cheap after a certain time is running out. An alternative and less expensive method could be applying for jewelry-allergens usual colorless nail polish. However, serious and long-term allergic reaction it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

But in advance to protect themselves allow a simple purchasing vigilance. By purchasing any metal objects that will be in close contact with your skin (jewelry, buttons, zippers, buckles, etc.), Carefully read their composition. Excessive content of nickel often gives them a very bright or white metal. Desirably, the nickel was not contained at all or less than 0, 05% of the total weight of the product.
As a precaution, people who are allergic to nickel, you can suggest a special diet consisting of foods with minimal metal allergen. It is desirable to exclude from the cocoa powder, nuts, dark chocolate, mussels, legumes (beans, soybeans, peas) and some cereals (wheat and oat bran, oatmeal, soy flour, buckwheat, millet).