Beauty Calendar for January 2010
 When to visit the barber when - cosmetologist, and when Manicurist? Using this byutiskop from a practitioner and a famous astrologer Tatiana Zanadvorovu, you can make your beauty-Rasspisaniye for the coming month.


Recommended days:   2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (up to 13 hours.), 13, 23, 24, 25 (until 14:12), 29 (after 17:11), 30 and 31 January.

If a haircut during the waxing Moon (January 15-29), the hair will grow back faster. Mowing in between 1 and 14 January, as well as the number of 30-31 (ie during the waning moon) longer retain the shape of hair, the hair will grow more slowly.

If a haircut 2, 3, 30 and partly (to 16:24) 31 January (during the period of the Moon in the sign of Leo), hair will look thicker and more luxuriant.

If the hairstyle is required by crisp lines, assumed various ladder, profiling, to write to the master will be better to choose 4, 5 or evening (after 16:24) January 31 (during the transit of the Moon in the sign of Virgo).

 Beauty Calendar for January 2010
 January 13 is suitable for hairstyles in a classic style (Moon in Capricorn).
Transits of the Moon for the rest of auspicious dates: 6, 7 and the morning (until 13 h.) January 8 in Libra, 23, 24 and up to 14:12 on January 25 in the sign of Taurus.

16-17 and 25 (after 14:12), 26, 27 (up to 17:02) you should pay attention wishing to experiment with their looks. (16-17 Gemini Moon, 25-27 in Aquarius).

Not Recommended days:   1 (Moon Cancer), 14-15 (New Moon day), 18-20 (Pisces Moon), 27 (after 17:02), 28, to 17:11 on January 29 (the Moon in Cancer).

Effect on hair using strong chemical agents (coloring, styling and long wave) should not produce a 3, 8 (after 13 h.), 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 31 January.

From any experiments in terms of a radical change of image, a hike in the new salon or a new master is desirable to refrain 8 (after 9:08), 25 (up to 14:12), 27 (after 9:33), 31 (9: 28-16 24), during the periods of the moon without the course.

VISIT Estheticians

For procedures that aim to nutrition and hydration of the skin, it is best to choose a time between 16 and 29 January.

 Beauty Calendar for January 2010
   To carry out cleaning procedures to eliminate obvious defects of the skin select dates in between 2-13 or 30-31 of January.

21 and 22 January will require marginal moderation in decorative make-up (and ideally try to do without it). 23, 24 and part (up to 14:12) January 25 try not to disturb the neck and chest.

Peeling, plastic surgery, removal of cosmetic defects do not create an 13, 14, 15, and 23, 24, 25 (up to 14:12) in January.


Recommended days:   6-13 January January 8-10 at the same time is allowed only mechanical epilation.

Undesirable:   15-29 of January.

Strongly recommended:   2-5, January 30-31.


Recommended days:   6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25 (until 14:12) of January.

Not recommended:   1, 25 (after 14:12), 26, 27, 28, 29 (until 17:11)

Utmost care   work with any sharp edged objects should show on 21 and 22 January.


 Beauty Calendar for January 2010
 Recommended days:   4, 5 (in those days, and it is useful to massage the feet), 13, 14, 15, 31 (after 16:24) of January.

Desirable to refrain from the procedure:   1, 18, 19, 20, 27 (especially after 17 hours.), 28, 29 (until 17:11) of January.


Optimum days   Scaler - 3-13 January.

To replace the seals and dentures should choose a time interval of 2-13 January.
Treatment and preventive procedures at the dentist paradontology most effectively will be held from 3 to 13 January.
1-2 and January 29-31 is highly undesirable to visit the dental surgeon (except in emergencies).

From any dental treatment should refrain   14-16 January (except for cases requiring urgent intervention).


 Beauty Calendar for January 2010
   Massage for the purpose of relaxation, withdrawal seizures, removal of hazardous substances is best to coincide with the period of January 30-31, or 2-14. At the same time, it makes sense to hold the course and anti-cellulite massage.

Massage firming, regenerating give greater effect during the period of January 15-29.

Removal of nervous tension is easily achievable if a course of massage fall, including on 25-27 January.

To carry out the treatment at the chiropractor will best suit 4, 5, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25 (up to 14:12), 31 (after 16:24) of January.

For lymphatic drainage treatments are most appropriate - 8 (preferably afternoon), 9 ,, 10, 18, 19, 20, 27 (after 17 h.), 28, 29 (up to 17:11) in January.

The fight against obesity

 Beauty Calendar for January 2010
   In the early days of the new year, on January 1-2, try to give your body a rest, arrange at least a small discharge. Fruits, vegetables, juices, if possible to do without alcohol.

In the period from the 13th of January 3 it is quite possible to lose weight, without straining, need only to observe moderation in food intake.

January 14-16, will be useful to arrange fasting days, it is recommended to fast as possible, drink plenty of fluids (pure water, tea without sugar, herbal teas) - all this in the absence of medical contraindications.

In the period from 16 to 29 January advised not to overeat, as far as possible do not eat after 18 hours, do not limit yourself to drink (regular clean water, green tea).

January 30-31 shows fruit and vegetable juice, or diet.

Time always indicated Moscow.
Author: Tatiana Zanadvorova, professional astrologer and astropsychologist