Berets popular for decades, and there are several reasons. The variety of styles and colors, the endless choice of materials enable every girl and woman to pick up a headdress for any type of appearance, any image and atmosphere. Perhaps the most universal hat for the fair sex, which is recommended to be combined with almost any attire. But how to choose the right take? And what to wear?
Many people wonder how to choose the shade of a beret that matches the color type appearance, the rest of the article of clothing, etc. Hue beret recommended to choose carefully, guided by the rules of stylistic matching accessories. For example, if there was a desire to create an image in a single color (eg, red), you should choose the garment, accessories and cherry picks, carmine, ash-pink shades. These "color games" within one palette always look impressive.

You can also combine different shades beret, regardless of other accessories and clothes. But keep in mind the color palette - it should be suitable to the color of the skin, eyes, hair. Looks fine lemon-yellow and crimson berets on the girls of the "winter", while light blue, light green and gray will look better on the representative of "spring" and "summer." A "fall" perfect muted shades of warm colors: terracotta, burgundy, indigo.

Colourful Berets and decorative hats interspersed with shiny threads look very impressive. But it is rather an option for the evening. Very interesting it looks classic French beret black, full wheel sequins. It will give the image of festivity and solemnity, but at the same time provocative note.

The unity of form and content
When choosing a headdress, then try on several different models. The same applies to the beret. It should mentally imagine what it would be best combined.
Takes can be flat and three-dimensional, like a "sock" or acorn hat. It all depends on personal preference.
It takes in a stellar environment
What choose berets and their representatives are starry Olympus? The omnipresent Google will help to know all the secrets.
Jennifer Lopez loves to knit beret from fine yarns that can be whimsically put on his head. Related takes, but black is the singer Fergie.

Beauty Charlize Theron, who has always distinguished sense of style, wearing a black beret with sunglasses and elegant black coat and beige blouse jersey. Little emphasis is pleasant small earrings made of natural gold.

Sarah Jessica Parker does not forget about the sense of humor and youthful enthusiasm, so feel free to wear pink knitted beret with a small kozyrechkom. Take soft pink hue is and actress Liv Tyler. This shade is madly in her blue eyes and delicate skin.

Swedish blogger Cosette Munch could make this elegant accessory is popular among the youth. Almost every second of her bow necessarily involves one or another flirtatious headdress. Burgundy, black, ecru beret can literally transform the image to make it more complete.
One of the most fresh ideas Cosette - combined maroon beret with monochrome skirt with landing at the waist and knee-length, as well as a pink shirt with the image of young kittens. Quite a provocative way in the spirit of retro like everyone!
Beretok also popular among young people has provided an actress Kat Dennings, who played in the franchise, "Thor" and "Thor 2". There's her character wears berets muted tones combined with the clothes in the style of casual.
And the most fatal woman in the world - Dita Von Teese - wearing a black beret, resembling the acorn cap. In combination with white business suit it takes this looks pretty safe, but still elegant.
