It is worth noting that this autumn cool shades of hair is not as popular as the warming and solar. Maybe the stylists wanted more heat in this fall? Anyway, meet the hottest (in every sense of the word) trends in hair color.
Natural brunette
Today everyone wants to naturalness: makeup, clothes, hairstyles. And in hair color. What color can be called natural for brunettes? It used to be that it is completely flat brown. But today, a slightly different approach. Experts call for brunettes: look at his baby pictures! This is a natural color, they describe it as a brunette with a hint of blond. The best client for the color "natural brunette" - is born brunette with long hair (unfortunately short of the staining is difficult to achieve). This color is very easy to maintain, it is sufficient to repeat the staining 1 time in 3-6 months. And it made easy: with a fast balayazh technology, with emphasis on roots.

This is a new word in painting, and is a combination of just three colors: brown, blonde and gold (from the English. Brold - word formed from three adjectives «brown», «blonde», «gold», ie "brown" "Blonde" and "gold"). This color can be made if there are good skills in hair color. Because the method involves multiple manipulations: first meliruyutsya hair gently (no foil), and then color is softened coating. Glazes, which should be used must contain particles of gold to create the effect of the reflection of sunlight and transfer the golden glare on his face. The ideal client for brold - average blonde or dark blonde with long or medium length hair. Such staining adds volume to hair, so it is suitable for owners of fine hair. Brold fall also reflects the basic trend in the soft warm colors of hair (soft gold, copper soft).

As you know, in autumn 2014 the trend in soft colors and golden undertones. And there's a trick: to remain in its natural color, but make it more golden. If you are blonde - the new color will be "golden blond" if brunette - something chocolate. As a result, the color and tone of his remains, but it added to the richness and warmth thanks to the golden semitone.
There are the "gold" of the trend and several variations. For example, sunlight glare, which sought and in technology Ombre and highlighting, and balayazhem. You just choose a darker or lighter shade of tone than its own, but in color - very bright and warm, the highlight face of heat and sunlight. Staining intensity of color should be checked every 10 minutes, so as not to make the difference between natural and acquired color is too large for maximum naturalness. If you choose the technique "balayazh" and "highlights" that should focus on the locks framing the face to make the skin fresh and glowing.

Caramel Brown
It is a beautiful color that combines strands of chestnut copper, light caramel and rich brown. Fits any girls with long hair. The problem is that such beauty is difficult to maintain. The richness and depth of color goes very quickly. But there is a way - a colored or tinted air conditioning, which would have to use at least 1 time per week. And make this a shade that's as bleached to a light-colored, painted in "dark black hair" and add gloss to achieve the gold or honey flare.

Strawberry blond beige
Alternative bright red shades, which are blondes look artificial. But the desire to become owners of blond hair more original and playful can be satisfied with the new shades of autumn 2014 - a strawberry-beige Brown (Strawberry-Beige Blonde). This color immediately set you apart from the crowd, and it is suitable for any skin tone. The trouble is that these colors fade quickly, so keep this color will have each month.

Bright experiment
Bold red in demand every year and every season. There will always be women who want to reflect your brave and mischievous character in a new hair color. And that color is - it is closer to the hot shades of orange and warm red. Copper and strawberry blond created for owners of blond or light brown hair, a woman with dark brown hair and a medium should choose a deep brown and dark red. And remember, the underlying trend in a red color in the fall - Avoid cold red shades that are closer to the purple and violet are the colors look artificial and give the face pale or yellowish tone, which is also contrary to the trend in the maximum naturalness and warmth.
