In Hollywood celebrities own example proves that want to lose weight - get to work! Hard work, not waiting for miracles to help achieve the goal. Learn how to lose weight and Speling Tori Kelly Osbourne!
Tori Spelling: minus 20 kg
Charming blonde Tori Spelling, happy mother of four children had to lose weight many times. After the grand success of the TV series "Beverly Hills," she left "a great movie" and created its own reality show. Perhaps the constant sight of a plurality of cameras for 24 hours a day, yet full awareness of the audience about the events and vicissitudes in the house Spelling pushed the star to deeper work on themselves and their own appearance. After the birth of a fourth baby Tory postroynela by as much as twenty kilos!
Prescription weight loss:
Slender legs, flat stomach, and a single gram of excess weight - the result of holding 'mouth shut. " For the loss of kilos of a world celebrity has become a low-calorie diet to stick with a minimum of fat and carbohydrates. Tori "sitting" on a diet using NutriSystem, which allows you to choose the dishes on the relevant sets to chat with home delivery! However, the creators of dietary menus do not hide recipes and are eager to share them with everyone. To find out what made use of a star!

An exemplary ration for one day
Total calorie up to 1400 kcal.
French toast - thick slice of bread, soaked in a mixture of eggs, a small amount of milk, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange zest. Roasted on both sides in vegetable oil.
230 grams of low-fat yogurt
1 pear
1 egg cooked boiled
A small bunch of grapes
200 grams of boiled chicken
1 medium tomato
Cucumber salad and fresh greens, dressed with sour cream
1 apple
200 grams of cod fillets
Spinach - unlimited
10 Almond nuts
Physical exercise:
Employment in the gym Tory prefers spending time with children, so choose the load, requiring a minimum amount of time with the greatest visible impact. Thus, in the weight loss program including swimming star and jogging.
Kelly Osbourne: minus 20 kg
The talented actress, singer, the daughter of British musician Ozzy Osbourne, a member of the popular group Black Sabbath created its own algorithm for weight loss. Some simple rules of daily routine and minimum restrictions in the diet allowed her to quickly find the shape of your dreams.
Kelly has repeatedly confessed to journalists that is a devoted fan of fast food, which according to nutritionists, and was the main reason for recruitment and retention of excess weight. So, in early 2007, celebrity weighed 73 kg 5. with the growth of 161 cm. transfiguration girl pushed part in the British version of "Dancing with the Stars", where her partner was a professional choreographer Louis Van Amstel. It was he who helped her to review diet and provided valuable recommendations with regards to lifestyle.
Prescription weight loss:
Kelly did not bother to count calories, almost not regulated portion sizes, but gave up fast food. Under the taboos were also the products included in the category of junk food, which means "junk food." According to the recommendations of the partner star show reduced consumption of baked goods made with white flour, pasta and sugar. But saturated the diet of fresh fruit, which has allowed himself even just before bedtime. An important component of weight loss programs Kelly became a full night's rest, contributing to the early return of the body to normal stars.

An exemplary ration for one day
Omelet prepared from two egg whites
200 grams of cooked turkey
1 cup of mineral water without gas
1 cucumber
Vegetable salad with mozzarella - 2 tomatoes, 3 balls of mozzarella, a slice of salami, 4 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup of herbal tea
100 grams of fruit marmalade without sugar
200 grams of cereal with raisins, seasoned with 250 grams of boiling fat-free milk
1 cup of infusion of rose hips
Physical exercise:
Training for the show "Dancing with the Stars", which according to the memoirs Kelly were very hard for her, the weight made the stars get the ball rolling and go into minus. To make it easier to dance, became a celebrity adhere to a fractional power. The latter is considered to be an important aspect of dietary ration, since it would keep the metabolism in tone, without overloading the stomach.
For successful weight loss does not require excessive force, self-flagellation in the gym and strict limitation of the usual diet. Like healthy habits, give up the use of "empty" calories and harmful products, move more. These simple rules will bring your weight back to normal and allow him to keep throughout your life.
Author: Natalia Bartukova