Face mask of aspirin
 Aspirin are at all at home, and almost every one of us in the beautician. Aspirin saves us from pain, helps with colds, needed in the critical days ... And there is a part of acetylsalicylic acid, an ingredient often found in the media for the skin. That is why the mask with aspirin - it is not a joke.

Aspirin is used in cosmetics as a cleaning ingredient, as well as reducing fat and pores. Plus, we know its ability to reduce inflammation in the skin.

Aspirin mask can be used as a scrub - especially for oily, acne prone skin.

To prepare the masks need:
- 4 aspirin tablets (uncoated)
- Tablespoon water
- A bit of honey or oil.

Aspirin is crushed, mixed with water. Honey or oil is necessary to mask adheres better to the skin and is quickly absorbed ingredients. In general, the texture should be in the form of a slurry. Apply to face with a brush or your hands. Especially on the problem areas with pimples or irritation, as well as enlarged pores.

After 10 minutes, rinse. The result - the skin like after a good exfoliation. And most importantly - cheap and affordable!

Personal experience : Significantly reduces redness, irritation, if any, on the skin. Some exfoliating effect. It is better to use than the whole face, and a dot on the inflammation and pimples. Really it works as a good remedy for acne. A very good result! Rating: 5.

Be careful: allergic reactions, if you have an intolerance to one of the components.
Author: Julia Gnedina