Tips for soft and smooth skin
 Want to have a smooth, flat and soft skin? The main rule - is correct and regular exfoliation and moisturizing care. Although there are certain differences in the procedures of exfoliation and moisturizing depending on the time of year, you will find more universal rules that "work" for any skin at any time of the year.

1. Add baby oil into the water when taking a bath.   There is nothing more beautiful than a relaxing bath after a long day. But soap (even liquid) water and dry the skin, deprived of its natural sebum, which supports skin hydration. The oil added to the bath - easy and affordable way to moisturize the skin permanently.

2. Drink enough water.   Do not forget this rule. It is a truly universal (it should be kept in mind when it comes to skin, hair, nails, digestion, etc.). Especially need to drink a lot to those who are engaged in physical labor, working outdoors a lot, drink a lot of need to those who are actively engaged in fitness and kofemankam. Eight glasses of pure water a day - is the general rule.

3. The presence of vitamins in the diet.   Also quite universal rule works for beauty and health. And for the skin, of course. I will not advise vitamin complexes, try to get good vitamins from natural foods, if you are not a doctor prescribes these complexes. Note especially Omega 3, 6 and 9, these components keep the skin healthy. A healthy skin - it's always soft and smooth.

 Tips for soft and smooth skin
 4. Exfoliate at least once a week.   The most affordable way - cleansers (even in the long journey that option is always at hand). But you can also use the special scrub (purchased or homemade). Body exfoliating (peeling) can contain granules of pumice stone or pieces of walnut shells. An exception is the area of ​​the neck and neckline, it is better to use a gentle scrub, perhaps the one that you use for your face. Put scrub on the shelf in the bathroom in a prominent place, so that it always reminded you of the need to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week ( exfoliation rules for different parts of the skin, see below ).

 Tips for soft and smooth skin
 5. Vitamin E for skin smoothness.   Vitamin E creams are not only softens the skin, but also reduces the effect on it of sunlight. And, moreover, vitamin E acts as a good concentration wonderful rejuvenator. You can buy vitamin E in small bottles, a pharmacy and some supermarkets. Vitamin E is added to the night face cream or body oil, give the skin a youthful glow of the skin, spreading small bumps and wrinkles.

6. Make sure the moisturizer after a bath.   This can be a body lotion, body oil, or dry oil cream. Perfect sesame oil. It smells fantastic (so you provided a home aromatherapy) and effectively moisturizes.

7. Protect yourself from the sun.   Though it would be desirable after the winter days soak up the sun, do not do it unchecked. Especially if you live in the southern regions or at the resort, where you will need a tool with strong protection (SPF 85).

 Tips for soft and smooth skin
 And now more about the basic way to keep your skin soft and smooth - exfoliation Or home peeling. Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells, which results in a more smooth and soft skin, and even more uniform tone of the face and body. But different parts of the skin have different needs. So, exfoliate and rules for them are special.

- Lips.   From regular exfoliating lips depends not only on their smoothness and hydration, but it will look like lipstick or lip gloss. However, even facial scrub can be too rough for the lips. Therefore, it is desirable to use a lip exfoliant with a fine grain. You can simply use a washcloth or soft toothbrush for massaging tactful and exfoliate the skin of the lips. Cleaning agents (gels, mousses, liquid soap) containing beta-hydro acid (BHA) and alpha-hydro acids (AHA), work very well for lips. Suggest possible homemade sugar scrubs or aspirin.

- Neck.   Regular exfoliation (maybe not as often as a face) evens neck, brings him closer to the tone of the face and rejuvenates. Suitable facial scrubs, the best on a gel base. But that, after peeling skin is hydrated, make a mask for the face and neck. Desquamated skin is more receptive to nutrients mask, and the effect is stunning.

 Tips for soft and smooth skin
 - Body.   Washcloth and towel as assistants to exfoliate you can use every day. Purchased or homemade scrubs with abrasive particles is best to use no more than two times a week. Better not to dwell on some specific scrubs and experimenting, doing household mixture of coffee, sugar, sea salt, it eliminates the process of peeling from the routine and turns it into a creative process. If you are on vacation and have used whole body sunscreen that exfoliation is doubly necessary that the particles of a sunscreen does not clog pores.

- Armpit.   Do not forget about them! The remains of deodorant, shaving cream and sweat should be removed. Underarm skin a must to keep clean, and not just for aesthetic reasons. For example, dermatologists believe that only regular exfoliation saves from ingrown hairs after shaving. But more underarm skin thin and sensitive type, so simple cleansers and facial scrub.

- Elbows and knees . When peeling the body separately pay attention to elbows and knees. Suffice it more diligently do exfoliation with a scrub for the body, and after a couple of weeks, the skin in these areas will gain softness and smoothness. From skin darkening in those places will lemon juice.

 Tips for soft and smooth skin
 - Foot and lower leg . This is another area of ​​attention in the body peeling. If you regularly go to the salon pedicure, then the problem is you are likely small. But for those who are not so often did a pedicure for the winter, more time should be given to these areas. Although pumice stone effectively removes hardened areas of the foot, it is not recommended to use it often. Instead, make a home for part of heels, for example, the hot salt scrub - it is a miracle!

- Cuticle.   Hands do not normally require a separate scrub, as we often they are my massaging. But the cuticle - these are areas on the hands, where dead cells accumulate in particular. At home, it is best to remove them edging method. To do this, first we move aside the cuticle, and then use a mild exfoliating gel.

Soft, smooth and velvety skin - no problem, you just give yourself a little more time.
Author: Olga Larsen