Well-groomed hands
 In the spring of vitamin deficiency suffers not only overall health but our hands in particular. After we took off mittens and gloves, hands should be given special attention.

Experts recommend starting each morning with a massage, rubbing in a circular motion each finger, hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder.

What you need to do housework while wearing gloves, they know everything, but not all do.
Therefore, if your hands are hardened after the end of the work they need to rub a cotton swab dipped in water with vinegar. Or rinse in water with vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon on 1 liter of water.

Heavily polluted places can be lightly rubbed with a pumice stone and immediately after washing hands greased fat cream.

When working with water   good to have on hand protective cream, for example, "Silicone" or whatever. Damage to hands before work, it will protect your hands from the effects on her soap, dirty water and other hazards. To does not dry skin, you need to try as little as possible to wash them in hot water.

And, behold, warm baths   hands helpful. For example, from alum - 20 gr. 1 liter of water. Make the skin soft and supple help trays of sauerkraut juice. They are made for 10 minutes two times a week. And, that's the tub from broth potatoes can be done in a day. Then hands should be lubricated with bold cream and wear cotton gloves overnight.

Small abrasions on the hands are best lubricated with hydrogen peroxide. If deep scratches, it will help them starch bath - 2 tbsp. spoon on 1 liter of water.

If the hands turn red They help contrasting the bath. One container is filled with hot water, in another - cold. First hand dipped into hot water, then in cold and as 10-15 times. Complete the process of cold tray.

 Well-groomed hands
 For rough skin   useful trays of slightly warmed vegetable oil. Blot excess oil with a napkin, and does not hurt to wear gloves at night. Well softens skin lemon juice mixed with egg white. This mask is applied for 10 minutes and wash off with water at room temperature. To soften the skin of hands are mixed in equal parts cologne best triple, toilet milk and lemon juice. This mixture is rubbed into skin before sleep for several days.

Masks for hands:

- The mask for the prevention of withering arms
Take 1 teaspoon lime flowers, chamomile flowers, sage, mix, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Add a pinch of tea soda, stir and put it in the hands of the liquid for 15 minutes, then wipe and lubricate fat cream.

 Well-groomed hands
 - The mask for rejuvenation of hands
Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons heavy cream, 1 teaspoon honey and 2 tbsp. spoon of cucumber juice, mix well and rub it into your hands for 20 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature and lubricate hand cream.

When sweating hands   use five-minute bath with vinegar - 2 teaspoons per liter of water. Or from a mixture of nettle and sage. 1st. spoon nettle, sage, 1 spoon to mix and pour 1 liter of water for half an hour, drain, cool to warm conditions and do ten-bath. These baths more and strengthen the skin, make it more youthful.

If it coarsens the skin on the elbows , During her soul should be rubbed with a brush or sponge, and then lubricate fat cream.

AT exfoliating nails   at night rub a little warm oil, and lemon juice in the morning.

A great help in keeping the youth will hand Daily gymnastics   for them. Flexion and extension of the hands and slowly squeeze the hand into a fist and relaxing, circular movement of the wrist and shaking them. If desired, you can create a set of exercises and perform each for 10-15 times.

If you think about it, our hands - it is a miracle of nature, how many cases we will remake them! We loved them embrace, caress children and pets. And that they have served us faithfully, while remaining young and beautiful, we must not forget about them and care for them, even when there is no time like laziness. Especially that care can be combined with watching TV or chatting with family members.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva