Types of facial massage
 Massage - a procedure is certainly nice and helpful. A facial massage - an incomparable pleasure. It helps to relieve stress, remove toxins, softens the skin, relieves muscle tension face, it can be used to reduce or even remove the display of double chin, helps fight facial wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, it gives good results in the fight against enlarged pores, etc. .

There are many different techniques. Each of them has its own characteristics, and about which I would like to tell.

Oriental massage techniques face

A distinctive feature of the eastern massage - effects on specific points on the body and face. Thanks to this, improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and health. Typically used for massage oil. Exceptions are yoga, shiatsu and acupressure.

One of the most popular techniques of oriental massage is Shiatsu . Use it to remove toxins, causing the skin to become cleaner and more beautiful, as this option massage helps with headaches, tension in the muscles of the face, the problems in the area of ​​the nose and eyes. Moreover, it is an excellent tool in the struggle with bags under his eyes.

 Types of facial massage

Another no less common technique - Yoga Massage . It differs from the Shiatsu that uses not only the pressure on certain points. The procedure involves stroking motion with light pressure on the basic contour lines of the face and hands warming movement. This massage has the same advantages as all other types.

Acupressure face.   I think most of you are already familiar with the basics of acupressure. Did you know that it's great for anti-aging skin? Exerting influence on certain points on our face, we can pull up the circuit and make the wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth less noticeable. Plus, acupressure also helps remove toxins, relieve tension, etc.

 Types of facial massage

 Types of facial massage

Ayurvedic facial massage.   This massage involves the use of oil. It is based on the principles of the ancient science of Ayurveda. Much attention is paid to the face, head and neck, some so called restorative massage. Due to the effect of certain terms and the use of oils, you can achieve amazing results. This massage relieves stress, helps to cope with stress, tones the skin and improves its appearance, removes toxins, improves circulation, helps to relax.

 Types of facial massage

Facial massage with hot stones.   Also one of the wonderful massages. In this case, the entire procedure is performed with warm stones. Most experts prefer not to put oil on the skin and on the rocks. They do it because of the fact that the oil can clog pores. If you apply the oil directly on the rocks, we get two advantages: the stones glide, and the skin absorbs as much money as you want, and the pores do not suffer in the process.

 Types of facial massage

Western massage techniques

In the West, the beneficial effects of massage on a man realized only in the 20th century (!). And all originated in Europe and then spread to the whole world. The overall positive development for all variants of Western massage are:

1. Relieving headaches and pain in the face.
2. Toning the muscles of the face.
3. Improvement of the skin condition.
4. The struggle with bags under his eyes.
5. Stress Relief eye.

Speaking of western massage techniques it should be noted that a lot depends on what type of procedure you have chosen in the cabin. This can be massaged the whole face, or only the eye. It should also be said that Western techniques borrowed something from the east. But if the oriental techniques peculiar only to apply pressure and stroking movements, the western techniques also involve the lungs, tingling and circular movements. The main thing - not to stretch the skin, and to all the movements were quite gentle. Often, during the procedure using creams, lotions or oils.

 Types of facial massage

You can learn some of the techniques and try them at home. Of course, it is better when the procedure performed by a specialist, but if it is not possible to visit, then, even a massage, done at home, would be beneficial for your skin and health. It is necessary to remember that there are some contraindications. For example, inflammation of the skin.
Author: Vera Karabutova