Myths and truth about caffeine
 News about caffeine, based on new research, appearing at regular intervals. Caffeine is shrouded in mystery, sometimes speculation, often - myths. What is this component of our food? Where is the truth about caffeine, and what to believe it is not necessary?

From coffee - Insomnia

Many believe that insomnia can cause a cup of coffee in the morning.

In fact.   Caffeine can affect the human body for five hours, so his insomnia to associate directly with a morning cup of espresso is not true. On the night of sleep can affect only caffeine, entering the body in five hours before going to bed later. And most of all this is true for people particularly sensitive to caffeine. It is true that caffeine can only slow down the process of falling asleep, but not cancel it.

How can the effects of caffeine? Many people think that coffee energizes. But the caffeine does not provide any energy. It works the same way as adrenaline effect, which in turn catalyzes the blood sugar, from which it appears when new energy. Therefore, we drink coffee when they need support.

There are other interesting studies that suggest that caffeine may be compatible with falling asleep. The fact that it takes effect within 15 minutes after eating. And if you fall asleep faster, then drinking a cup of strong tea will prevent you from falling asleep. And this speaks not only logic, but also research.

 Myths and truth about caffeine

Caffeine helps to lose weight

Girls, puzzled problem of excess weight, thinking that caffeine can help them in losing weight.

In fact.   Facts do not confirm this. We only know that caffeine suppresses the appetite, but for a good slimming effect a little caffeine, you need more balanced diet and regular exercise. By itself, caffeine does not make you slimmer.

However, caffeine is a good anti-cellulite ingredient funds from the orange peel. But the effect of these funds operates only during the period of use. And getting rid of cellulite does not mean losing weight.

Caffeine is useful for colds

There is a judgment.

In fact.   This can be attributed to the fact. Although little-known. Caffeine helps in the absorption of the body cold medicine. This means that the caffeine is working on the acceleration of the medication, and can also help to reduce the dose of certain drugs. Not bad news. In fact, the smaller the drug, the smaller the side effects.

 Myths and truth about caffeine

Caffeine - a drug

Repeat each time those who are afraid of caffeine.

In fact.   Yes, it's a drug, however, legally. Yet the drug, and not forget it. But it is also true that this drug brings a lot of health benefits, which is fully confirmed by a lot of research. This anti-inflammatory properties of caffeine, and reduce risk of Parkinson's disease, and prevention of type 2 diabetes, decreased risk of liver disease, and colon cancer. And all of these benefits can be obtained only from a single (legal!) Cup of tea or coffee, but not on drugs!

Caffeine - is an antidepressant

It is believed that caffeine can prevent depression. Is it so?

In fact.   It's true. Studies have shown that those who drank more than two cups of coffee a day, less likely to suffer from depression. A recent study on this subject have shown that caffeine can have a lasting effect on the prevention of depressive states.

 Myths and truth about caffeine

Caffeine makes a hangover

Some people think that the caffeine in the morning after a party will quickly sober up.

In fact.   It is more a myth than a true judgment. Caffeine acts as a surge of adrenaline in the blood that is on the psychosomatic level. And alcohol affects sensory and physiological functions. Therefore, relief from a hangover after a cup of coffee you feel, and your reaction will be the same as that of a drunken man.

Caffeine is good for your skin

The market has a rejuvenating cosmetics with caffeine, then - caffeine rejuvenates the skin?

In fact.   In fact, caffeine is used in many facilities for the skin. It proved the smoothing effect of caffeine on the skin, causing wrinkles are aligned. About anti-cellulite effect, we have already written, but there is also a cooling effect, which has been successfully used in the trailers of the swelling under the eyes. So you should pay attention to caffeine as an ingredient for the skin young.

 Myths and truth about caffeine

Caffeine dehydrates

Coffee deprives us of liquid - according to some.

In fact.   This is not true. Caffeine is a diuretic. But it removes from us exactly as much fluid as we need them. That is, in the toilet, you will run more often, but dehydration will not happen, because you will (in urine or sweat) as much fluid as coffee and tea you drink.

From caffeine blood pressure rises

People with high blood pressure do not allow themselves to drink coffee and tea (except herbal), believing them to "jump" pressure.

In fact.   It's true. Caffeine can raise blood pressure index. And this is true with respect to people sensitive to caffeine, as well as to those who consume caffeine in high doses. Long-term effect of increased pressure from caffeine observed in those who consume a lot of caffeine excessively. When the long-term effect of moderate consumption is not happening.
Author: Vasilisa Cousin