All life - a solid diet and how to lose weight without harm to the body?
 According to statistics, almost every Russian woman about 10 years of its life on a diet. Often the desire to prepare for beach season, and as soon as possible to leave excess weight for the body ends up in tears.

Protein, mono (based on a single product) and other extreme low-calorie diets are very effective, but often lead to disruption of the composition of bile, a deterioration of the liver and gallbladder, as well as deficiency of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Lack of natural vegetable fats increases the risk of damaging the membranes of liver cells, brain and endocrine glands.

As a result, the person experiences discomfort: somnolence, lethargy and irritability, deteriorating condition of the skin and hair, fatigue sets in quickly. Unpleasant symptoms are even more complicated by the lack of vitamins, adverse environmental conditions and continuous stress.

In order not to risk the health in the fight against overweight, experts advise to comply a few basic rules .

- "Only a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and a balanced diet can restore weakened body and confront various viruses and infections," - says EI Vovk, kmn, associate professor of therapy, clinical pharmacology and medical emergencies Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSMSU).

- Follow the diet and avoid drastic weight loss - lose weight more than 500-700 grams per month harmful to the body.

 All life - a solid diet and how to lose weight without harm to the body?
   - Note also that the diet is not compatible with stress - stress state many times reinforce the negative effects of extreme diets. In terms of emotional overstrain the body constantly demands cholesterol - it is necessary to provide yourself with adrenaline and restore cell membranes. If it is not supplied with food, the liver begins actively "get" cholesterol from the fat tissue or synthesized in large quantities from its own tissues. As a result, during strict diet liver "fattening", its function is impaired and the body in general weakening loses stability central nervous system and the muscles.

 All life - a solid diet and how to lose weight without harm to the body?
 - As with stress, and with the extra calories to help cope sport: 30 minutes of easy jogging burn about 300 calories, and a half-hour voyage - 450.

- Do not starve - the daily diet should consist of health food, but contain enough vitamins, minerals and other substances the body needs. We should not try to compensate for the lack of vitamins in enormous doses of multivitamin complexes. Long reception of synthetic vitamins can be quite serious negative consequences for the body - for example, cause allergies.

 All life - a solid diet and how to lose weight without harm to the body?
 - Synthetic vitamins are much more effective to replace the natural .  Include in your diet more fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, and in no case do not give up dairy, meat products, cereals and natural fats .  "Vitamins A, E, polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) and fat-soluble antioxidants play a major role in protecting the basic structural components of cells, such as essential phospholipids required for normal body function and slow the aging process," - emphasizes E . AND .  Vovk .  To make up for the lack of vitamin A, it is necessary to eat the liver, vegetable oil and butter, egg yolks, cream and fish oil .  Most vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, eggs, cereal, beans, berries, rose hips, sea buckthorn, green leaf vegetables, and cherries, and essential phospholipids can be obtained in the form of drugs on the basis of carefully purified medicinal extracts (a classic example of such drugs Essentiale Forte N is obtained from soybeans) .

If you follow the recommendations of experts, correctly and consistently fight obesity, the diet can be of great benefit to the body. According to statistics, has a normal weight people suffer less from hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease have a more stable immune system, are more mobile and active.
Author: Olga Larsen