Chinese gymnastics. Part 1
 "If the door handle frequent moves, it does not rust. So people:
  if it moves a lot, he does not get sick. "
  The physician and philosopher Shen

Among the centuries-old heritage of ancient China's great interest is the traditional Chinese gymnastics. In the era of the Han Dynasty (II century BC) in China, home of the famous doctor Jua fact that, along with a variety of therapeutic agents are widely used exercises. Another physician Chzhdan China-Zhu said, doing gymnastics, a person breathes deeply, and with a deep breath, "it comes from the old, spoiled, as it enters a new fresh."

Deep rhythmic breathing - a requirement of the Chinese gymnastics - increases ventilation and improves the supply of oxygen. Another feature of the Chinese gymnastics is a broad mix it with self-massage techniques.

To achieve health and longevity of Chinese gymnastics have to deal with twice a day: in the morning, sitting in bed, and in the second half of the day outdoors. Even in cold weather. If any form of gymnastics requirement is the maximum concentration on doing the movements. Before the start of gymnastics can sit quietly with closed eyes and think about something pleasant. When the soul has come to a calm state, you can start exercise.

Almost all exercises are performed in the original position, sitting on a bed in the lotus position. Breathing should be arbitrary, without delay.

Exercise 1

Quiet sitting with closed eyes in the lotus position. Perform 15-20 deep breaths, sucking in the stomach while exhaling and puffing during inspiration.

Exercise 2

Self-massage the ears. Rub the ears between your thumb and forefinger, and then his hands. During the hands-down ears are folded down, with hands holding up - take their normal position. Repeat rubbing between fingers 20 and 20 rubbing his hands.

Exercise 3

Clenching teeth of the upper and lower jaws. 20-30 times clenched teeth, then do 30-40 taps teeth.

Exercise 4

Circular motion tongue along the front surface of the teeth of the upper and lower chelyusi - 20 times in one direction and 20 times in the other direction.

Exercise 5

Inflating of cheeks. Perform 30-40 cheeks blowing ups on the average rate.

Exercise 6

Self-massage the nose wings. The back of the second phalanx of the fingers of both hands begin stroking the wings of the nose. Movements begin at the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth are carried out in the opposite direction. With light pressure to repeat the exercise 15-20 movements at a moderate pace.

Exercise 7

Self-massage of the head. Stroking the head to disclose a hand right or left hand, starting from the forehead toward the back of the head and back 10-15 times before the end of the thumb, index and middle finger to produce vibrating, pressing movements to the point corresponding to the junction of the neck with a cervical vertebrae. Presses, vibrating motion with your finger at that point to hold for 10-20 seconds.

Exercise 8

Self-massage eyebrows. The back of the second phalanx of the fingers of both hands to hold stroking eyebrows from the nose to the temples, and in the opposite direction with slight pressure, the eyes should be closed. Perform 20-30 movements to and fro.

Exercise 9

Eye movements. Eyes closed, they make a circular motion (left, up, right, down) and in the opposite direction. This movement is at a slow pace to repeat 10 times in one and the other side, then closed his eyes gently pat with your fingers, to open them up and make a few quick blinking movements.

Exercise 10

Movement eyed horizontally in both directions. In the initial sitting position, his head looking straight ahead, pull the right hand side, straightening her hand and spread his fingers, eyes fix on the fingertips outstretched hand (the speed of the right side). Then the outstretched arm slowly moves to the face in the horizontal direction in the left shoulder. Looking constantly aimed at moving the arm, ie eyes gradually become tilted in the opposite direction (left). A similar movement of the hand and eye is held in the opposite direction. 5 to make such movements in one direction and 5 - to another.

Value exercises is that they are complicated in structure, execution of no gives a large load, moreover, they are easy to individualize at the same time, they are very dynamic, and during movement of self-massage to engage the relatively large muscle groups, although the amplitude of these movements is low.

To be continued...
Author: Inna Sedykh