Lentils: what is useful - it chooses
 A healthy diet today is no longer considered to be the worship of fashion or whim. For most people, it is obvious: "loaf loaf - which is useful - choose." And, indeed, such a useful product as lentils sure to your taste, and "what you love - choose" is also perfect as an ending.

Where such confidence? - You ask. It's simple - lentils were grown and the Egyptians, and the people of southern Europe, and Middle Asia, and all of it was "Luba". What they say, in the Middle Ages, this product is widely consumed in Russia - from it even baked bread. And that lentils undeservedly forgotten because potatoes can now be easily corrected - the more varied diet than the pleasant live.

And the use of body and soul
Yet lentils - a bright representative of the legume family - boasts far more nutrients than the same potato.

First, it is completely eco-friendly product. The ability of lentils do not accumulate a nitrates, radionuclides and toxins making meals out of it extremely useful.

Secondly, this is a real storehouse of nutrients, especially folic acid and iron. Yes, and other vitamins and minerals in lentils is more than enough. Of the vitamins can be called beta-carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, tocopherol, vitamin PP. A list of useful macro includes potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and chlorine. Lentil also rich in trace elements - in addition to said iron it contains iodine, manganese, copper, silicon, fluorine, zinc, chromium, etc.

There are benefits of lentils and "soul." It turns out that the product is known for its beneficial effects on the nervous system. Needless to say, that in the spring and autumn melancholy, winter depression and years of transience on a background of continuing life stress lentils - a real find, a natural antidepressant. However, it benefits significantly compared with sweets and alcohol, which "drown" in a bad mood and harm the body. Lentils bring body good, favor and nothing but good, and along with it strengthens the immune system and increases vitality.

Sickness strike lentils
Lentils - is not only valuable preventive product, but also a means recommended when a number of diseases. At the beginning of the list - a disease of the cardiovascular system, which, as we know, leads the list of causes of death. Regular inclusion of lentils menu will reliably protect you from heart disease. The product is also recommended for diabetics - it is perfectly normalize blood sugar levels. Appreciate lentils and patients suffering from kidney stone disease, osteoporosis. And this product is - a real godsend for all "zheludochnikov." Regular consumption of lentils will make you forget about the pain, discomfort and heartburn. It's a great tool not only gastritis, but also more serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract - such as colitis and ulcers. Finally, lentils has anti-cancer properties - agree that additional preventive maintenance does not hurt.

Girl-birch: remember youth
Lentil practically no fat (1 gram does not count!). 100 grams contains 25 grams of vegetable protein, which is well absorbed by the body, as well as 54 grams of complex carbohydrates. At the same time lentils - a product of extremely nutritious. This means that hunger will not disturb you, forcing abuse harmful snacks.

Obviously, lentils - a wonderful dietary component that helps you to wear your favorite dress hanging in the closet waiting for your postroynevshey figure.

Types of various important
Few people know that there are different types of lentils. Variety determines not only the taste of the product, but the preferred methods of preparation, which is especially important to know who want to experiment with lentils in the home menu.

Green lentils, also known as the French,   - It is not quite ripe product. It is widely used as an ingredient in salad and cooking of the meat. It is understandable - the "strong" lentils retains its shape, even under the influence of temperature. It is medium and large size.

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

Lentils Pardini   - Fully ripened culture, therefore preparing it much faster. This is important to remember not to accidentally digest, otherwise your meal will turn into a shapeless pottage. This product has a slight nutty flavor and is widely used in soups and casseroles, it is also added to the snack, stew and some salads.

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

Red lentils,   which is also called the Egyptian, by the absence of the shell. Brewed it a moment, and therefore most often used in soups and purees. This lentil actively used in Asian cuisine. But ... where we did not disappear: if you enjoy the taste of lentils, you can make a "small Asia" and in his kitchen, add red lentils in a delicious vegetable stew.

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

Yellow lentils   - It is peeled green lentils. It has a pleasant taste and nezhnyyaromat. Yellow lentils are ideal for soups and purees, and goes well with vegetables.

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

Black lentils   - The smallest grade. It is called the "Beluga" for its resemblance to caviar. When cooking the lentils soharnyaet shape and color, adding zest to any dish of vegetables, soup or salad.

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

 Lentils: what is useful - it chooses

Whatever type you choose - lentils will not disappoint you. It is prepared quickly, requires no pre-soaking. Eat it can be not only in the form of standard food diet, which is what soups and porridge. You can cook the meatballs, meatballs, to enrich the taste of dishes of lentils with garlic, onion, spices, tomato. "Kulinarte 'to your health! And the company "Mistral" to provide you with quality and delicious lentils.

The secret of cooking lentils:
Lentils do not require soaking. Place the rinsed lentils in a pot of water (1 cup lentils - 2 cups of water), bring to a boil, then simmer lentils until tender over low heat. Yellow and red lentils much boil soft, turning into mashed potatoes, and green and black when cooked retain their shape.

Keep beans needed in tightly closed containers in a cool, dry place. Do not mix more fresh beans with old, because they have different cooking times.