 We all, of course, heard about the benefits of buckwheat health, figures and good mood.

There are many diets on the basis of buckwheat. But, alas, not all like buckwheat and many survive on a buckwheat few days is not easy.

I can tell you about my personal experience. I did not go on a diet, but simply began to eat buckwheat porridge, boiled water for breakfast. I confess that I salted it. The first days of badly drawn on any buterbrodik ... But I am determined to his inner "I" and myself snaps: nizya!

What is interesting, very quickly I became involved, and a couple of days the body began meekly absorb the morning buckwheat. The most amazing thing happened later! After the New Year I got on the scale and was surprised to find that dropped a couple of kilos. And despite the fact that in the winter I always gained them.

And now a lot of the most buckwheat

Buckwheat - la. Fagopyrum - an annual herbaceous plant of the family Polygonaceae - Polygonaceae, cereal crops. In buckwheat erect, branched at the top, reddish stem of up to half a meter in height. Stalked leaves resemble hearts to someone, someone - triangles. Buckwheat flowers white or pink, gathered in the brush and exude a pleasant honey aroma. Around them is always spinning a lot of insects that pollinate them.

Buckwheat blossoms in June and can bloom until September. Different varieties ripen at different times. The earliest of them in August. Fruit - nut three-edged in brown ripened state. Buckwheat - an excellent honey plant, and buckwheat honey is highly regarded virtually throughout the world.

Homeland buckwheat - Central Asia, in particular, the Himalayan mountains. Most scientists assume that cultural buckwheat originated from the wild relative - buckwheat Tatar (fagopirum tataricum).

In the Middle Ages, most likely, in the XV century buckwheat began to cultivate in Europe, mainly on poor sandy soils. In Russia, buckwheat appeared earlier, in the XIV century. It was imported from Greece Greek merchants probably why in Russia and got its name - "buckwheat" - "Greek cereal." Cultivate buckwheat ancient Slavs, too, is likely to have learned from the Greeks, who lived on the shores of the Black Sea. Pretty soon "black gruel" fell in love and nobility, and commoners.

Nowadays buckwheat is grown in the central belt of the European part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its main purpose today - grains, rutin and honey. Routine in the pharmaceutical industry is extracted from the leaves and flowers of buckwheat.

Buckwheat protein successfully replace meat in the diet of vegetarians, it is well dissolved and absorbed.


In the grain buckwheat contains vitamins: B, PP, P (rutin), minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, boron, iodine, cobalt, organic acid: citric, oxalic, maleic, malic, fat, protein , cellulose…

The one who constantly eats buckwheat, increases the resistance of the organism to many diseases. Buckwheat gives strength and endurance. Probably not in vain buckwheat porridge eaten epic hero.

With modern pace of life and congestion and women there is nothing left to do, how to become bogatyrkami.

Buckwheat is useful to use for people involved as a professional sport and fitness, because it not only increases muscle strength but also makes it easy to endure significant physical activity.

Due to high content of rutin buckwheat makes strong blood vessels, increases blood, is a good means of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, leukemia, heart disease, hypertension.

Buckwheat decreases the level of "bad" cholesterol

Buckwheat improves metabolism in the body and it is recommended to use in food for obesity and diabetes.

It helps to cure or alleviate the flow of diseases such as rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, measles, diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhages in the retina of the eye, heart and brain, in disorders of the nervous system, kidney disease, anemia, poisoning with arsenic and other harmful substances.

Buckwheat is an excellent tonic for people weakened by illness, and the elderly who want to live a long full life.

Contraindications buckwheat there is little, it should be limited only to people with high blood clotting.

In Russia, buckwheat once treated for jaundice, rubbing the patient liquid buckwheat and leaving lie in heat for 2-3 hours.

When the pain in my throat buckwheat warmed up in a frying pan, poured in a stocking and tied around the neck.

To get rid of boils raw buckwheat chew and tied to chiryam and abscesses.

   In folk cosmetology washed buckwheat, it pours clean water and leave for half an hour. Then water is poured into another container, and wash it. This procedure is useful for tired, aging and oily skin.

Buckwheat ground into flour and used as a powder for children and for adults. For example, such a powder does not allow the feet to sweat and smell strongly. Previously, women used a powder made from buckwheat, and on hot days for dusting under the breast. This powder acts very delicately.

It is important for women's beauty and that buckwheat contains a large number of flavonoids, substances that actively fight free radicals, significantly slowing the aging process.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva