Fruit desserts - is not only delicious treats, but also a source of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for normal functioning of the human body.
Fruit desserts are able to lift your mood, as well as to meet the physical and moral need for sweets. It is an excellent replacement for bakery products (cakes, pastries and other sweets) and ideal for those who adhere to a healthy diet and nutrition. Ice cream, jellies, creams, yogurts, parfaits, salads, desserts, cheese - and this is not a complete list of desserts that can be prepared with fresh or canned fruit.
Today, there are fruit year round in a huge range of shops and markets, and do not need to wait for summer to enjoy the fragrant delicacies harmless. They can be a win-win complement the festive table, and both children and adults. An entire section of the cooking, which is also not without such components as fruit - Christmas recipes. Indeed, in recent years, many families, even on New Year's table want to see useful desserts, not lush biscuits soaked in high-calorie and non-natural creams.
fruit salad

One of the most popular and easy options such desserts are fruit salads. Freshness, charges vigor, vitamin and fountain explosion of taste - all this can be said about this delicacy. Delicious, light and original fruit salad will bring maximum benefit, especially in the off-season, when the body lacks vitamins.
Fruit salad recipe
* Kiwi - 1 pc;
* Bananas - 2 pieces;
* Pomegranate - 0, 5 pcs;
* Orange - 1 piece;
* Pear - 2 pieces;
* Apple - 2 pieces;
* Yogurt or low-fat cream - 250-300 ml.
Kiwi thoroughly washed, peeled with a knife and cut middle-sized cubes. Bananas cleaned, cut into circles and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent browning. Oranges are cleaned, divided into slices, each slice in half or cut into 3-4 parts. In pears and apples remove core with seeds, then cut them into small cubes. Apples can also sprinkle with lemon juice. Pomegranate seeds are cleaned and selected. All fruits mixed and spread in a large ice-cream bowls or wine glasses and pour yogurt or cream.
Fruit jelly

Fruit jelly - delicious and unusual sweetness. Its useful properties of high value, many experts on nutrition. It is proved that in jelly with gelatin contains substances that prevent the formation of arthritis, and jelly, prepared with the help of pectin is able to excrete heavy metals.
Recipe for apple jelly
* Apples - 5-6 units;
* gelatin;
* sugar to taste.
Apples are thoroughly washed, cut in two, remove core with seeds and put in a saucepan with a little water. Pan put on fire and cook until soft apples. The finished mass cooled and passed through a sieve with small cells, getting rid of the skin. The mashed potatoes add sugar to taste and cook for 2-3 minutes after boiling, then add 0, 5 liters of hot water. Gelatin (see. The instructions on the package) soaked as soon as it swells, it is lowered into the puree, diluted with water, stirred, poured into silicone molds and cooled in a refrigerator until thick.