How to love oatmeal
 Most of us do not like oatmeal. While most nutritionists and specialists insist on proper nutrition that it should be required to include in the diet. After all, it contains fiber, as well as its use promises a great figure and heart health.

Well, never too late to start eating porridge. Only need to learn to get from this kind of boring oatmeal pleasure. Try our tips on how to make oatmeal interesting and favorite food, and then every day you can start with a useful and healthy oatmeal!

1. Add the brown sugar.   A little sugar to enhance the flavor does not hurt. Use brown, he's not just a little less high-calorie, but also more beautiful and appetizing looks at a plate. For more health, you can add honey instead of sugar or syrup. Just remember that it is not necessary to get involved Sakharkov, it should be the same seasoning as salt.

 How to love oatmeal

2. Milk . Use real milk, of the packages, but not dry. Add a little liquid to the consistency. It is best for the health of low-fat milk to go on (the optimal - 1% fat), but sometimes you can treat yourself to the diversity and cream.

 How to love oatmeal

3. Add cinnamon.   This spice adds a pleasant flavor, the dish will be more appetizing and tasty. You can experiment with other spices, for example, try vanilla, pumpkin seeds.

 How to love oatmeal

4. Add vegetables.   Fresh or dried fruits. They add color, change the texture, will give a new flavor and, of course, taste. For children perfect bananas, peaches. For those who want to lose weight, choose the best green apples, cherries, apricots, berries, and so on.

 How to love oatmeal

5. Stir nuts.   Nuts will give an excellent contrast with the soft oatmeal. Moreover, this additional protein and very good antioxidants. Every time selecting different nuts, you will significantly diversify the dull taste of porridge: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts - the choice is huge.

 How to love oatmeal

6. Add peanut oil . This will give a great new taste, you will be presented entirely new creamy dish. With butter is better not to overdo it, but it is useful in small amounts, even for losing weight.

 How to love oatmeal

7. Add the oatmeal in baking . Of course, baking - it's not the best choice for losing weight, but sometimes she wants to be pampered and home. Adding oatmeal, you add to your health muffins and pastries.

 How to love oatmeal

8. Add the oatmeal to the usual dishes.   Partly replace flour in porridge. Munk oatmeal. For example, carrot patties are incredibly gentle and nourishing if they semolina replaced by cereals. The same can be said about the breading, as well as sauces. Try it, and most likely, you will enjoy the new dishes. Especially when you make sure that they are not fattening!

 How to love oatmeal

And you have your recipes with oatmeal? It would be very interesting!
Author: Olga Larsen