Mysterious cholesterol - friend or foe?
 For a long time cholesterol was considered literally the personification of evil. Products containing it, were declared "outlaws" extraordinary popularity enjoyed bezholesterinovye diet. The main charge - plaques on the inner surface of vessels containing cholesterol ... These plaques are the cause of atherosclerosis, and it in turn becomes a cause of heart attacks, strokes, cerebral diseases, kidney, and many other diseases.

But as studies in recent years, not so guilty cholesterol in the troubles, in which he was charged, but the lack of cholesterol in the diet can cause many problems. Apparently, even high blood cholesterol itself is not the cause of atherosclerosis. To biochemical disturbances caused by the formation of plaques in the blood vessels, requires a combination of many factors. Such as metabolic disorders, unhealthy lifestyle (physical inactivity) chronic infectious diseases, neuro-emotional background, abundant fatty foods, disruption of the endocrine glands, and others.

At this point it is proved that we vital cholesterol. Besides the fact that cholesterol is needed for construction of cellular membranes, it is also involved in the formation of bile acids and steroid hormones, retains moisture in the cells of the body.

Well, blame the eggs, butter, lard and other products in the pollution artery certainly not be. Only a small fraction of cholesterol enters the body with animal food, and the main person is synthesized in the body, mainly in the liver.

And why are so many me one?

Each day, the average human body synthesizes from 1 to 5 g of cholesterol. The largest proportion of cholesterol (80%) is synthesized in the liver, some of the - cells in the body, and 300 - 500 mg with food enters. Where we spend these recharge? About 20% of the total amount of cholesterol in the body is contained in the brain and spinal cord - it is a structural component of myelin "insulation" nerves. In the liver from cholesterol, bile acids are synthesized, required for emulsification and fat absorption in the small intestine. For this purpose, leaving 60-80% of daily cholesterol produced in the body. A small portion (2-4%) goes to - the formation of steroid hormones (sex hormones, hormones adrenal cortex, and others.).

Men's commitment to beskholesterinovym products may adversely affect sexual activity, and women, too active in the fight against cholesterol, often comes amenorrhea.

A certain amount of cholesterol consumed in the formation of vitamin D3 in the skin under the action of ultraviolet rays. And, of course cholesterol is present in blood plasma.

Bad and good cholesterol

In the blood have to be a certain amount of cholesterol - 100-180 mg per 100 ml of blood, more than 250 ml - is considered a risk factor. But it turns out, the total amount of cholesterol in the blood can tell us a little about the risk of arterial disease. Proceeding in blood cholesterol does not dissolve in it, but connecting with special proteins, forms a lipoprotein (zhirobelok), which is transported by arteries to the location of the body where it is needed. These lipoproteins (or lipoprotein) are low and high density. Low density lipoprotein is harmful to the vessel, the high density - useful. HDL have antisklerogennym action, that is, protect blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, but the low-density lipoprotein, on the contrary, contribute to the buildup of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels.

It is very important to good and bad cholesterol were with respect to each other in a balanced ratio. This ratio is determined as follows: total cholesterol divided by the content of the good cholesterol. The thus obtained number should be less than six. If blood cholesterol is too low, it's too bad.

Dutch Doctors argue that low levels of this substance in the blood is guilty of distributing among Europeans of mental illness. If you are depressed, experts recommend, you must do a blood test for cholesterol, and possibly namely the lack of it deprives you of the joy of life.

Research at the State University of New York have shown that the most favorable ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol in the blood of people who share fats in the diet of 40-50 percent. For those who do not consume nearly fat content in blood decreases not only the so-called "harmful" cholesterol, involved in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, but and useful forms that protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis.

Yes, and "bad" cholesterol may not be so bad: if it is produced by the body, so for something and it is needed. Through laboratory studies conducted, in particular, a group of researchers in Germany and Denmark, it was found that a component of blood plasma, which can not only communicate, but also to neutralize dangerous bacterial toxins, is the carrier of so-called "bad" cholesterol. So we can talk about the useful property of "bad" cholesterol support the immune system.

The high rate of cholesterol in the blood, of course, is a risk factor, but by itself does not say about the inevitability of the disease.

Chance to earn atherosclerosis is minimal if you:

• cheerful, at odds with themselves and the people around you;
• do not smoke,
• Do not fond of alcohol;
• I enjoy long walks in the fresh air;
• Do not overweight, you have normal blood pressure;
• do not have abnormalities in the hormone field.

Guilty Without Guilt

Sometimes we hear that the use of butter, eggs, bacon reportedly significantly improve blood cholesterol levels, and their use better to refuse. But recent studies show that the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver is in inverse proportion to its quantity supplied with food, i.e. synthesis is increased when the cholesterol in the food is small, and decreased when it much. Thus, if you stop to eat foods containing cholesterol, it just begins to be formed in a large amount in the body.

 Mysterious cholesterol - friend or foe?
 As for eggs and butter Then their exclusion from its ration is not justified, especially since in addition to the cholesterol they contain a large quantity and lecithin.

Lecithin is an antagonist of cholesterol and plays an important role in the protection of the organism from atherosclerosis. It helps cells remove fats and cholesterol in the blood, increases the production of bile acids from cholesterol, thereby reducing the amount of blood, and also serves building blocks for all body cells. Lack of lecithin is dangerous for he alone has the ability to lower cholesterol. In addition, lecithin reduces the negative effects of various toxins in the body, promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, increases the energy exchange of cells and the body's resistance.

Choline, which is nowhere as much as in egg yolk - very important vitamin that improves memory and prints poisons from the liver. Egg - a good source of vitamin A activity and only fish oil yields on the content of vitamin D.

 Mysterious cholesterol - friend or foe?
 A lot of kind words can say of butter. It contains 150 different fatty acids, including 20 essential. And all of these fatty acids are very useful. In particular, milk fat facilitates the absorption of calcium, and it, in turn, helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. In the butter, cream, sour cream has such important vitamins: A, D, E and K. They are, among other things, stimulate synthesis of vitamin B6 is needed for the heart and helps remove excess cholesterol.

Reputation lard, also suffered because of the relatively high cholesterol, but because fat contains arachidonic acid, which refers to unsaturated fats and is one of the essential fatty acids. It is part of the cell membrane, the enzyme is part of the heart muscle, and is involved in cholesterol metabolism.

Cholesterol and cosmetology

Skin is composed of 70% water and about 25% - of the proteins .  The remaining 5% being fat: cholesterol, lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) .  Ratio of lecithin and cholesterol in adipose component is very unstable and depends on the activity of the endocrine glands, external factors (water, solar, wind), food and even the mode of the day .  If you violate the level of lecithin or cholesterol skin feels or lack of water or lack of fat, but the result is - Skin dries! To some extent, correct the situation can be nourishing creams containing these two substances - cholesterol and lecithin, and of course the water .  Normally select cream made on the basis of cholesterol and lecithin in a ratio of 1: 1, for exactly the same ratio of these substances are contained in healthy, normal skin .  Suffer from a lack of cholesterol and hair and nails, in which case they lose moisture, break down and exfoliate .

For dry skin useful simple mask made from whole eggs or home egg mayonnaise. In the former case, eggs should be thoroughly rubbed and cover face and neck. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and apply skin cream.

Mayonnaise is made from egg yolks and warm olive oil, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. Blend well until thick sour cream whip and apply on face, rinse the mayonnaise should be 20-30 minutes, when it dries.
Author: Olga Travleeva