Sweet, refreshing, juicy ... We look forward to the summer, including to and plenty to eat favorite watermelon. Surprisingly, the beneficial properties of these berries (do not be surprised watermelon - nothing more than a giant berry), have been known since a very long time, and in ancient China, "whale" and does honored own day in the calendar. And though to us fragrant fruits were only in the XVII century, they immediately won the love of his compatriots. Often enjoying watermelon flesh, we do not even suspect, as it turns tribute own body. So, what is the benefit for women's health and beauty enclosed in a giant striped berries?
Firstly, watermelon successfully helps fight overweight. He not only has a low energy value (per 100 grams of flesh - only 38 calories), removes excess fluid from the body, to "time" to cope with the swelling, but also perfectly satisfies hunger, and satiety comes very quickly. Therefore, replacement of any big meal a couple of slices of watermelon for a few days in the best way impact on the figure.
Secondly, there is no better means for cleansing the body than the watermelon diet, which allowed for a sweet "whales." To calculate the required number of scarlet pulp, guided by a straightforward formula: 1 kg of watermelon per 10 kg of your weight. 5 days spent on a similar diet, literally revive the body, because the watermelon juice literally washes away all the toxins, toxins, cleans sand and small kidney stones, urinary tract and liver. As a result - you feel for a couple of years younger and your skin glows with beauty and health.

Third, all fans of watermelons not afraid of cardiovascular disease. The fact that the fiber contained in watermelon pulp acts like a brush, which sweeps excess cholesterol from the body. And it is this "villain" is the main culprit for the development of atherosclerosis. And even diabetics can in reasonable quantities to afford a slice or two of the striped berries. This is due to its composition of watermelon glucose and fructose instead of regular sugar, which is easily absorbed by the body.
What else has this amazing properties of melons? Watermelon contains an abundance of vitamin C, which is a famous fighter for women's beauty, as It has antioxidant properties. By the way, in the same lobe pulp contains a daily rate of 1/4 of the substance. Another useful property, the prevention of cancer, we must substance lycopene, which is found in abundance in watermelon, and beta-carotene, which is part of the berries, helps to quickly cope with stress.
Fans of home remedies to care for themselves may appreciate masks and lotions on the basis of watermelon juice. Under the influence of this miracle elixirs facial skin gets a fresh complexion, the proper degree of moisture and receives a substantial portion of vitamin cocktails.

However, it would be fundamentally wrong not to tell more about the "fly in the ointment" - contraindications when eating watermelon will harm. So, it is necessary to be careful in the use of fragrant flesh of people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system, colitis, diarrhea, abnormalities of the prostate and pancreas, pyelonephritis. Unfortunately, today, and a healthy person can suffer from the coveted summer treats, if you purchase a watermelon with a high content of nitrates. Therefore, when buying demand relevant documents "purity" striped berries, and if this is not possible, do not get too carried away about pulp peel: harmful substances accumulate in the skin. Compliance with these uncomplicated security measures will appreciate the useful properties of watermelon summer, which will certainly be expressed in an excellent state of health and radiant appearance.