We worry about the pile of unpaid bills and expect exciting changes, like the birth of his nephew, - there are a million things that make us feel great wad of stress that negatively affects our health. But it is not necessary to turn life upside down to reflect the effects of stress. These simple and quick solution to help you stay calm and relaxed in our crazy world.
Drink tea
 Black tea has a significant effect on the levels of stress hormones in the body. Studies of British scientists have shown that people who drink black tea, much faster get rid of the effects of stress or, in general, are by his side, than those who prefer a variety of tea substitutes. Tea contains catechins, polyphenols, flavors, and amino acids that affect the brain and, ultimately, reduce blood support height stress hormone - cortisol.
Eat nuts
 The next time you feel a little bruised, give up various snacks and junk food in favor of a handful of nuts. They contain large amounts of tryptophan and magnesium - two key nutrients that support the production of serotonin. Especially rich in substances, relieves stress: zinc, vitamins B and E, antioxidants - almonds.
Rub your ears
 According to Ayurveda, the Indian "science of life ', which is already more than 5000 years, there is a Marma point (like acupuncture points) on the ears that correspond to different parts of the body. Simply rub the circumference of each ear: right hand - right ear, left - left - to immediately get rid of stress.
 Aromatherapy offers the methods that can tame the tension for a few seconds. Aroma relieves stress are lavender, lemon balm, chamomile and geranium. Cyril Duncan, aromatherapist and owner of the massage parlor, advises: "Sprinkle a cotton ball neskolikimi drops of oil and place it near a fan or under the seat of a car. Every time, as soon as the air will touch the cotton ball, essential oils are, in turn, scattered around space.
Take Vitamin C
 Vitamin C will reduce the level of stress hormone in the blood, the body's response to mitigating the effects of stress.
Operate pressure
 Try self-acupressure (massage acupressure). Put your finger on the base of the skull, then move it down to the width of one finger and left the same distance. Place another finger on the same place on the right side, and do a similar exercise. Another point that helps reduce stress, a place located four fingers below the kneecap and one finger - on the outside of the lower leg (at this point you should feel a notch).
Eat berries
 Blueberries, blackberries and other berries contain a huge number of powerful natural antioxidants, in addition, rich in vitamin C, which makes them strong opponents stress. Stress causes the body to produce free radicals - highly unstable oxygen molecules that can damage healthy cells, and antioxidants prevent this process.
Practiced yoga poses from
 When you are exposed to stress, the most tense and drop chest. Try to expand arms folded hands as if you are praying behind him, then move back back, tilt your head back and breathe deeply.
Stretching for balance
 Sit on a chair and place your left foot on the floor. Put your right ankle on your left knee and lean forward, stretching his back. Sit in this position, then bend a little lower. Change legs and repeat again. This exercise reveals the hip and well-straining muscles.
 Centering means simply substitute a different context situations. For example, consider the time spent in a long queue in the overly busy day as a chance to relax your mind or make a new acquaintance (let's say, a neighbor who is behind you). Positive thinking can prevent stress induces physical changes that can harm the body.
Consume carbohydrates
 Complex carbohydrates raises serotonin levels and maintains a feeling of relaxation and peace of mind for a longer period. The right carbohydrates - a whole grain products and cereals: wholegrain bread, oats, brown rice, peas, beans and lentils.
Laugh out loud
 According to research, even the expectation of laughter raises hormone levels, withstand stress and promotes relaxation - this effect can last up to 24 hours. Read comics, jokes, build funny faces in the mirror until the stomach just will not overstrain laughter.
Eat "for a good mood"
 Some products are formulated to help the body to produce substances that raise your mood. The following products are just such a category of turkey (contains tryptophan, taurine and B6), pumpkin seeds, spinach and black beans (they have great content of magnesium), papaya (rich in vitamin C) and bananas (source of potassium).
Catch the moment
 Focus on what is right in front of you, using the sense of connection with the environment. For example, for 10 seconds Smell flavor of food, savoring its taste. Take a few steps and try to feel the ground, which, as it massages your feet with every step.