To say honestly, I have for many years do not buy yourself creams. Do you know why? Because at the time, considering how much money I spent on absolutely useless "silicone" emulsion with different bewitching aromas (from Chanel, from Payot, from Shiseido and other great beauty brands), and read the very serious study by a US research lab how much exactly the same ingredients found in the cream emulsion (silicones, oils, emulsifiers, water), as well as active and actual active ingredients, I felt very sad. The active substance is even smaller percentage than preservatives and perfumes. This is called "wake", ie, 0, 05, and less than one percent of the total.
And from that moment on, I began to intensively study the properties of various plants, oils (vegetable and essential), and various extracts and active ingredients. More after some time I tried to cook his first cream. And it was easier, and a hundred times more exciting than a walk to the store, and drown in the unfamiliar names and indifferent common phrases advisers "nothing."
Oh, if I could have one phrase to describe how their creams differ from purchased! I suggest you at least once in a lifetime to do it themselves and see what kind of miracle - home handmade cosmetics!
So today I have prepared for yourself easy kremik for oily skin prone to acne.
Getting a master class!
I took: apricot kernel oil, macadamia oil, emulsifier NeemWax, and active components: Biolin, Sofolyans, yeast concentrate and D-panthenol.

A little about the ingredients:
Apricot kernel oil - this oil is very gentle and perfectly absorbed by the skin. And most importantly, it has a high content of natural vitamins A and E, and contains unsaturated fatty acids that restore the lipid barrier of the skin. This oil is excellent softens the skin and has a nourishing and moisturizing properties for a mature and sensitive skin and for skin prone to inflammation.
Macadamia oil - due to its composition of fatty acids is related to the lipid layer of human skin, thus saving it from dehydration. This oil does not create occlusive film on the skin, is quickly absorbed, thus suitable for oily skin with acne. And for my age I have macadamia there is a very important quality - it increases lymph microcirculation, prevents the formation of edema.
Emulsifier NeemWax - a substance that "bind" our fatty oils from the water part, and transform itself two different substances into one amazing an easy emulsion. But the most important - a "green" emulsifier (not the color, of course, but on natural!). He obtained by fractionation of the neem tree oil - known since ancient times in Ayurvedic medicine as a strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent for the skin. Thus, it is not just a standard emulsifier, and the present active ingredient for oily skin.
Components and Biolin Sofolyans - a prebiotic and a probiotic for the skin. It is also, like the rest of our body contains microflora, which is helpful, and there is also pathogenic. Because of the last-place and inflammatory processes.
Biolin - natural active ingredients derived from chicory root and sugar beet, which regulates the balance of microflora on our skin (a kind of "Hilak Forte" for the skin). A Sofolyans - a skin probiotic combination of glycolipids obtained by fermentation of the bacteria Candida Bombicola. This component has a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the pathogens that cause the oxidative degradation of our skin cells. I want to note here that this component has long been used in Japanese cosmetics anti-acne, as well as for oily skin from Korres, SwissTEC and Bioderma.
Concentrate Yeast - many of us have long known about yeast, and about their amazing recovery properties of skin and hair, and many take the yeast inside daily. For external use also is a means - a concentrate of yeast that we add at the end of cooking cream. What is in it useful? Here's what: brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) contain high-quality protein, carbohydrates, enzymes and important skin vitamins like B1, B2, B3 (niacin), biotin, thiamin and riboflavin-deficient, which accelerate the regeneration and improve skin condition. My skin yeast relieve inflammation and cope with acne. I also buy yeast for use inside and take daily - it is a necessary step towards the beauty and health of skin.
Well, finally, the beloved and versatile D-panthenol, which is always soothes and regenerates the skin.
The recipe for "Light cream for oily skin with acne and inflammation"
The fatty phase (A)
Apricot kernel oil - 5 ml;
Macadamia oil - 5 ml;
NeemWax (emulsifier) - 4 grams.
The aqueous phase (B)
Purified water - 35 ml;
Biolin - 1 gram.
The active phase (C)
Sofolyans - 10 drops;
Concentrate yeasts - 20 drops;
D-panthenol - 10 drops;
Phenoxyethanol Preservative - 20 drops and / or 1 ml.

And this is our "tools" (mixer to cream and glass cups) and a jar of cream for the future (I still thoroughly wiped with alcohol to sterilize).

We start the process.
First, our water is added Biolin, where he quickly dissolves. Then, take two refractory glass container, pour in one of our fatty oil from the Phase A and pour emulsifier, the other - to pour our water Biolinom. We put both of them warm in a water bath until the moment when krupinochki emulsifier melt in oils.

So I prepared a silver spoon for stirring.

then you can see how, as the heat melts the emulsifier

 As soon as an emulsifier melted and turned into a whitish liquid bubbles, pour the liquid from the phase in our fatty oils with an emulsifier (Phase A), and begin to interfere with the mixer to cream. Yes, we take out the emulsion from heat and mix is already on the table. (You can periodically put in the fridge for half a minute for rapid cooling).

After two minutes of mixing is as follows:

And, after 5-7 minutes, it receives a ready emulsion is such:
 Then start adding the components of the active phase C, they are always added to the end of cooking in a warm, chilled emulsion.

 And also add a very mild preservative phenoxyethanol, which is used in cosmetics for children, and which will prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in our cream.
Between each asset - also interfere with a mixer, and finally we get this a little white air kremik:

Next - simply transfer our miracle in a jar of glass or aluminum shaft and -vualya! Your skin will be so happy today!

Photo by the author.
Author: SmartCasual
Source: Relook.ru