Stay on summer t-shirts? It's time to make them small masterpieces and impress friends at a house party or a nightclub. You spend only on the paint, and the author will get something that you can wear the most, but you can donate by making a very original gift.
Shirt "Galaxy"
You have already learned how to make nail design "galaxy"? If not yet, then you can try to ... T-shirt. Made an unusual thing for yourself. For home, disco, study. For work
we need:
- black T-shirt;
- Dye cloth (3-4 colors and always white), here - a few shades of blue, pink, purple;
- A sponge;
- An old toothbrush;
- Cardboard;
- A plastic dish (can be a disposable plate) as a palette;
- Glitter (optional).

Step 1.
Choosing colors that are close in the color wheel (blue, pink and purple in between), you should not worry, that will muddy shades, because all of these colors are successfully combined with each other, forming a new solid color. Inside t-shirts put a piece of cardboard to the drawing was only on the face T-shirts. A squeeze paint on a palette, it was more convenient to use. Start with the first color of your choice. Few put on the sponge and rub the paint as if the fabric shirts. Never take too much paint! Less is better.

Step 2.
Then add more and more layers, wiping sponge on a T-shirt with other shades. Spread the color randomly, without any system. General silhouette "prints" also should not be the correct form. I tried to make a circle, but it is not looked creative, so be a shapeless stain.

And the final touch - you need to make a "star". Take a little white paint on a clean toothbrush bristles and run by a fingernail - the "stars" and wallow in different directions, chaotic dust settles on the shirt. If there is no toothbrush - the same effect can create a splash on the brush comb with thick teeth. Add sequins at will, then it will be bright disco outfit.

once the shirt is dry, it may seem that the colors are more faded. Then simply repeat their creativity once again. The new layer will fall more clearly. Just be sure that the paint has dried, before drawing conclusions about the brightness of the color.

Shirt "Snowflake"
So I called the idea, because I like it very much reminded the children's fun carving snowflakes. "Snowflake" at this time is to stencil print. The idea is very simple, just a single color ink, and the design gets interesting, multifaceted.

We will need:
- T-shirt;
- Paint tissue (spray);
- Paper;
- Scissors;
- Cardboard.
If there is no ink in a spray, it is necessary to take a bottle with a tip in the form of spray, and to pour the paint. The paint in this case may be any (and powder, and liquid). If you have colored powder - dissolve it in water and in diluted form pour into spray bottle.
before dyeing T-shirt, try out the paint on any other tissue, to make sure that it does not drip, not thick and well distributed.
Step 1.
Do not forget to lay a T-shirt inside cardboard before you start. Now, remember, as you have done in childhood snowflakes. Fold the A4 sheet of at least 4 times and cut geometric pattern. The smaller you bend the sheet, the finer details are obtained (that is, if desired, you can add and 6, and 8 times).

Step 2.
Attach a T-shirt (center). Top spray paint. By the way, if you do not mind getting their hands dirty a little, you can distribute the ink sponge. Spray carefully, a little bit.

Let the paint dry, then it is necessary to iron the shirt through the fabric to secure print.

Shirt "Handwritten"
If you want to show their talent, learn a little paint or draw - why not leave on a T-shirt author roschesk? Of course, great if you are a professional and you have to show a picture on the shirt of a personal portfolio, such as it is made known fashion illustrator Garance Doré.

But the girl with conventional drawing skills will be able to show themselves. We need special markers for drawing on fabric, or any permanent marker (wood, metal). To get out of his imagination the most daring ideas and draw on the shirt. Or you can ask to sign in his shirt of his beloved.

Photo: reddishdesign.nl, collegefasion.com, author photo