Denim season is open! Its main trends - bright colors, fancy prints, slim silhouette. Update your solid color denim color gradient technique. You do not need to run to the store for new jeans and jackets. Everything we do for yourself!
I suggest two ways. The first - a painting. Second - lighting. Choose any like it, or both (in this case, the effect can turn a three-color!).
The main question - what shade of paint to choose. Firstly, not bright yellow, white, orange will not work, they are not able to block the rich indigo denim, and the result is just dirt. Black and brown, too, do not recommend - too gloomy for the summer, and not fashionable. But bright and saturated colors - please! Dark blue, red, crimson, emerald, purple - it's suitable color.
I liked the effect, which gives the dye color fuchsia. He looks good and rich, blue jeans, and blue.
Using liquid dye for fabrics. The operating principle is simple - dilute the dye in water and dipped into the solution jeans. The saturation concentration of the solution, especially in the darker shade of stain it. But if too bright shade - do not worry. Staining procedure can be repeated. Now everything is in order.
Step 1.
Stained shorts. To begin with rinse water.
Step 2.
First, prepare the dye solution is weak. Dye (if packaged in a bottle of 200 ml) were dissolved in 2 liters of hot water and stirred. If jeans are dark, the water should be less. Then pour about 1/3 of the dye solution into a basin of water, where staining occurs.
Dip pants (or jeans) in a bowl of paint and hold for 10 minutes. Dip not completely, up to half that have the effect of a gradient coloration.
Step 4.
Remove the shorts from the basin, press.
Step 5.
Add to the bowl 1/3 more dye.
Step 6.
Lower shorts in an updated solution for another 5 minutes, no longer half and one-third the length. Repeat step 4, 5 and 6 again, use the remaining one-third of the paint.
Step 7.
Wash jeans (shorts) until the water will not drain clean.
Very simply we get a stylish modern thing!
And now - the second method of the gradient effect for denim. Remember, as a "cooked" jeans in the 80s? The method is the same. Brightening of the length of jeans (or shorts) and obtain the desired effect.
We will work with bleach! So do not forget gloves and skin protection, as well as all types of surfaces, which can enter the solution with bleach.
Step 1.
Take liquid bleach (e.g., Clorox), mix in the basin with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The darker jeans, the more concentrated the solution should be. Put in a solution of that part of the jeans (or shorts) that you want to brighten.
Step 2.
Leave the jeans in the solution for some time. Depending on the desired result - from 15 to 30 minutes. You can periodically glances at the resulting effect of highlights not to miss the right moment.
Wash pants (jeans), running water, hang to dry.
If you do not like the effect, you can repeat all, increasing the difference between the tones colored jeans and highlights.
If you omit the jeans in a very concentrated solution of bleach, the effect may be so. If you like it - try it!
