Beautiful girl really can not sit on the ground, the rights group was the notorious "Factory". However, our heroine rather than "dance and have fun," came up with interesting things to do. Instead of "light at the disco," she "kindles" a new direction in art. It is engaged in embroidery. And as you have already guessed by the title, instead of the normal tissue and uses a metal hoop needlewoman.
32-year-old artist NORTH Insirauskayte - Kriaunevisiene (Severija Incirauskaite - Kriauneviciene), was born on August 31 in Vilnius. The first prize for his work gained in 22 years. And after four years of hard work finally gained international recognition at the exhibition of textiles The Face and the Wrong Side.
You may ask what this young lady did to get so widely accepted - just embroider all? Yes all! Everything seemed to be just obscene. NORTH cross stitching, but the metal! What no one before it did. At first she took themselves to develop several pieces of kitchen utensils: spoons, graters, pots. And try to work for them. For this, she holed metal on small holes and added a little imagination.

And so it happened spoon embroidered with flies trying to eat chips (again, embroidered), frying pan with fried eggs, pots and trays of fruit.
"In my job I enjoy the things that are for the most minor details, - he says about his work very north. - And they have become extremely important in my work. "
New objects that inspired the north to the next accomplishments, steel irons (they really God ordered embroidered pattern - the holes are!), Bucket, floor lamps, a watering can and a spade. According to the artist, they are all beautiful in their own way. That's just focus on this one does not pay. Now at the exhibitions of the Lithuanian needlewoman from such attention there is no release. In all these metal objects she embroidered flowers or even whole bunches. And one of the buckets she even made in the form of a floor lamp. It was very bright, extravagant and unusual.
After the "trial" of work has gone quite serious. Fans of the north was enough, so on the first call, immediately a crowd willing to willing to provide for the artist to your car!
And then, as if by magic, hoods and doors "iron horses" literally blossomed! There has not appeared a couple of flowers, and the whole deposit. However, such a specimen from the collection can hardly be put in any museum. Organizers of the exhibition NORTH went on. And they put them right next to the venue.
Now, thanks to the work with the "iron horses", the north became famous in our country. There is already a crowd wanting to say, "protyuningovat" your car. Most of them - girls. This is not surprising - it is a wonderful half of humanity extends to the entire beauty. Including the new trends in art (which, if desired, can be converted in a part of the image is embroidered with cars, for example).
So, dear readers, you can easily put aside the article itself for the future, so that later, someday, when the hands reach, a hole The old bucket in the village, thus making it a job or worse. However, purely for aesthetic pleasure. You will not carry water or cooking soup in a pot with holes? But to admire this beauty - why not?