"I lay in the sun and stare at the sun ..." sang the Lion of the well-known cartoon. And I always wondered, well, here's how you look at the heavenly body, and not blinking eyes open? I think this can only be done with glasses!
The question I ask myself every spring, when the sun begins to shine brighter and the accessory to become almost the most necessary for exploring the sunny streets. That's just to pick up a good sunglasses is very difficult. Despite the constant advice of glossy magazines, based on fashion in the choice of this accessory is impossible. There is usually a choice of glasses fit in terms of style, completely forgetting about your health. You look at the sun, but do not understand how it adversely affects the cornea and retina of your eyes. And the consequences can be very negative.
 But do not despair! Once you are warned, then you can arm themselves, but rather to be ready to "attack the terrible evil of the Sun" to your beautiful eyes. So, remember, or, if necessary, write down what you need to remember when buying sunglasses.
1. Color Matter?
Many guided by the advice of friends, choose darker glasses, paying no attention to the light glass.
Drop these stereotypes! Pay attention not to the color, and UV transmittance glass (it is from him we defend ourselves)! In the best glasses that do not pass ultraviolet radiation should be the mark of 400 nanometers (nm). Such glasses are usually dark gray.
 I hasten to disappoint fans of fashion and glamorous accessories. The fact that the pink, though, like a dove, and even blue glasses will not have long to please. First, because it will change all the colors, and you simply get lost in space, the latter will contribute to damage to the lens of your eyes. Blue glasses, for example, is a singer
Avril Lavigne
Why she does not care about their health, it is not clear. And if any lover of pink glasses still will not listen to our advice, and sit down, let's say, behind the wheel, the risk of slip at a stoplight and, God forbid, of course, gets into an accident.
2. Consult with professionals.
Do not be lazy, walk to a doctor, who will examine your eyes and tell you whether you need glasses at all? There are exceptions - people whose eyes are quite normal perceive ultraviolet rays. If you do not fall into this category, it is check with the professionals all about the features of your eyes and listen to their advice. They will give you an independent assessment. In contrast to the enterprising vendors of goods in the subway or in an expensive store.
 3. How to buy branded sunglasses.
Look carefully at the label. What made the company name, country of manufacturer, address, phone. Then check with inscriptions on the glass or the frame. If they do not match, for example, one or two letters, so this is not just a "factory mistake," what you are trying to convince the seller, and the other labels, branded glasses with which he so carefully plucked, and it has attached to the forgery.
 4. If you still bought the glasses - a fake.
Bad bargain? Bought glasses on the market? Or in an expensive boutique, but a fake? Feel free to throw away! Do not regret the money spent. More often fake glasses can increase the probability of penetration of UV rays.
5. Glass or plastic?
Difficult choice. Glass is heavier and not easy to scratch as plastic. Also, you will be assured that these points in any case will protect your eyes from UV rays. However, increasingly, this accessory is made of plastic and their most important advantage - they do not break into small pieces. Contact with sharp needles is fraught with loss of vision. And you do not want to risk your health?
6. Walk not in the fashion and the weather.
Very often I see summer as a fashionista wearing glasses and dissected at night, completely unaware of how such behavior methodically hammer a nail in the coffin of the health of their eyes. The fact that thereby you reduce the already faint light, reduce visibility overview and vision. Pupils will be constantly expanding, and as a result - a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid.
 And the women in the age this is also sin. Heard once that when viewed with glasses in the sun will not appear wrinkles, they start to wear them all the time. The result of such abuse sunglasses described in paragraph 6.
In addition to all of these reasons, you should not forget the most basic:
when buying sunglasses sure to try on their
. They should be comfortable and not slide down his nose. And most importantly - to like you. And after buying sunglasses can not throw anywhere. For them, the need to buy a special cover and a cloth for wiping glasses. Then they will last longer and you rejoice.