At the heart of the majority of products for acne, there is one ingredient that, in fact, does all the work - is salicylic acid. What is this valuable worker? Can I use salicylic acid itself, or is ready to buy the recipe?
Most of us first learned of salicylic acid still in their teens. It was then that many have the first problems with the skin. But even deciding the situation of acne, salicylic acid continues to accompany our beauty treatments. It turns out that in adulthood we need salicylic acid.
What salicylic acid?
It belongs to the category of beta-hydroxy acids, which are present in cosmetic products in order to dissolve undesirable oil and dead skin cells. Salicylic acid acts as an agent for the so-called chemical peeling and cleaning pores (chemical peel is produced by chemical and physical - through exfoliation with abrasive materials).
The maximum concentration allowed for use in the medical purposes - 2%. Two percent salicylic acid carries the skin of most people, it is basically normal and oily skin. But particularly for sensitive skin showing lower concentrations - for example, 0, 5%.
The main feature of salicylic acid, for her loved dermatologists and cosmetologists, - the ability to dissolve the oil. It is necessary in addressing the balance of the skin and treatment of acne. Other its quality - the struggle with the acidity of the skin surface. These two features are used in the cosmetic industry.
What's in store?
Means of local action:
- Firstly, this drastic remedies for acne and blackheads. They observed concentration of 2% salicylic acid, and can be applied only to a tiny area of the skin where there was a pimple. Such agents kill bacteria, well-cleaned skin in pores. For all the skin can not be applied. Example -
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment
. It can be used three or more times a day, but only directly on the spot.

- Second, substantially the same means of local action but for sensitive skin. Therefore, the concentration of salicylic acid in them - is not more than 0, 5%. Example - Stick
Neutrogena Rapid Clear On-the-Go Acne Treatment Pen
. This Stick can also use several times a day, applied at the first sign of a pimple. It is convenient - you can take it to the beautician. Another example - stick
Benefit Cosmetics Boo Boo Zap! Medicated Acne Treatment
Also intended for sensitive skin and containing 0, 5% salicylic acid.

- This innovation. Recently there have been good, our helpers from acne - correctors with salicylic acid. They are working as normal correctors, ie have a tonal basis, covering the spot. But the presence of salicylic acid in the equalizer gives hope that the situation does not get worse, but on the contrary, bacteria will develop pimple will be masked, and cured. Example -
Murad Acne Treatment Concealer
With two percent salicylic acid.

Means for washing:
- Gels, foams, mousses, liquid soap. If the composition of salicylic acid - be sure to antibacterial properties of these agents. Only for dry and sensitive skin percentage acid content to be 0, 5. Example: cream gel cleanser
Gel against acne EksfoPro Garnier with brush

- Masks with salicylic acid are used for the purification of black dots, for skin prone to acne. But dry skin such masks may not be appropriate, dried. Example -
Mask Lights Turnaround, Clinique

- Peeling with salicylic acid can be used, even on a daily basis, as they do not injure the skin with abrasive particles. But it is better if you take precautions. That is not to go after the salicylic acid peels in the sun or frost without protective cream. Example -
Deep Exfoliating Gel for washing, against black dots Pure Zone

What of the home remedies?
A lover of homemade cosmetics can not pass by such ingredients as salicylic acid. They learned how to do almost everything that is sold in stores: and masks and scrubs, and liquid soap with salicylic acid. And you also can not very hard to use the properties of the recipe ingredients, enriching your makeup salitsilkoy. We focus on new recipes, which have not yet been written MyCharm.
- Getting rid of corns
Many are looking for efficient means of calluses and corns. The most common home remedies relieve, but not for long. This tool is checked, the effect will be long.
Salicylic acid is available over the counter. For peeling calluses need a more concentrated acid than is used for the face. Start with the 25%. Sometimes it is enough. But there is a 50%, although it is very strong and can burn the skin, it should be used with caution. Furthermore salicylic acid (powder) require ethanol. Also available in pharmacies.

For the treatment of corns need not so much: only 2 g of salicylic acid and 4 g of ethanol. Mix the ingredients. Carefully, the mixture did not get a healthy skin! Take a clean, dry brush and apply the mixture on the problem areas on the soles of the feet. On top of cellophane wrap and put on socks. Be well, at least 2 hours. You can then rinse.
During the action of the mixture, you may feel a mild tingling. That's good, but if there is a strong burning sensation and pain, then immediately rinse it!
Another interesting fact is that the corn will be held immediately. The next few days will depart hard skin, peels. Complete the process within a week.
- Home chemical peels
Professional chemical peeling (fruit acid and beta-hydroxy acids) in the salons can be expensive, some take more than 1,500 rubles per procedure. But home peel will cost you a penny, and the effects have nearly salon.
We need a very simple ingredients, which is in every house. They say that the recipe came up with the famous Dr. Oz, and this way make the skin glow and gently exfoliate already spread around the world. Peeling from Dr. Oz get rid of fine wrinkles, makes the complexion bright.

- Salicylic acid, it is contained in conventional tablets of aspirin. Take 4 tablets without coating;
- Lemon juice, 1 teaspoon fresh juice;
- Baking soda;
- Cotton pads.
Crush aspirin tablets into powder, add the lemon juice. The resulting slurry Apply with a cotton swab on the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove peeling mask should be as follows. Moisten a cotton ball in the water with baking soda. Baking soda helps neutralize the acidity of the skin.
After the procedure, moisten the skin cream or oil. Always apply sunscreen after a chemical peel if you leave the house.