Oily skin gives it a lot of owners of unpleasant moments and experiences, especially in adolescence. It looks, frankly, not very attractive - shine, enlarged pores, often on the wings of the nose and cheeks appear comedones (black spots), this sebum combines with dust and fall horny cells, forms plugs that clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Often accompanied by oily skin acne. In places intensified sebaceous excretions and is the forehead, nose and chin, that is just the most visible part of our face, appear unsightly pimples.
In most cases, oily skin - it is simply a property of our body, especially the structure of the skin, a consequence of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Playing a role here, and genetic predisposition, so just change your skin type, once and for all, from bold to normal will not succeed. However, oily skin can also be caused by certain endocrine disorders, hormonal disorders, poor diet, improper care and poor choice of cosmetics. In these cases, of course, it is necessary and possible to influence the root cause of excessive oily skin.
Care, nursing and care ... again
To have a presentable appearance of oily skin do not have to work hard enough. But do not despair - special care and special cosmetics, regular cleaning procedures, health menu, careful individual selection of decorative cosmetics, all of these measures in combination, provide in most cases a good result.
And of course we should not lose hope that in the end your suffering will pay off in adulthood. It's no secret - oily skin much longer remains young, and when your peers in adolescence is proud of its tender, thin skin matte, will urgently take action against wrinkles and sagging, you will not be affected by these problems for a long time. Another plus, oily skin is less susceptible to certain dermatological diseases such as such as vitiligo.

Clean - the guarantee of health of oily skin
When caring for oily skin is necessary, first of all, to clear it of accumulated dirt and fat. Cleansing should be regular, thorough and everyday. Morning and evening hygiene procedures are required.
For the morning cleansing gel is suitable for washing or anti-bacterial lotion. Then be sure to wipe the face tonic tonic to eliminate the remnants of the gel to moisturize and provide additional nutrition to the skin.
It is possible in the morning wash oily skin with water and glycerine soap. A soft brush or sponge should be cleaned face, rinse and gently blot dry. Then, put on clean, dry skin, non-greasy moisturizer.
For evening cleansing, experts advise to use cleansing milk make-up remover, then clean the face with gel, foam, or in the presence of inflammation, antibacterial agent - for example, a series of makeup for oily skin
Vichy Normaderm
for problem skin.

After an evening hygiene cleaning of the skin useful to wipe the skin decoction of herbs (eg, sweet birch, laurel, myrtle, black currant leaves horsetail, chamomile, sage). They contribute to further purify pores, their contraction, kill pathogens that enter the skin during the day, and eliminate the inflammation of the skin. For oily skin, characterized by alkaline skin surface, favorable for reproduction and activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
Therefore, to cleanse oily skin it is advisable to use the acidified solution - just add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the decoction of herbs and water, which rinse face. Just a few drops of lemon juice to 200g. water or a decoction of herbs, or half hour. l. vinegar.
A couple of times a week, in the evening, you can apply the cleansing mask based on blue clay, or once a week - the mask-sauna for oily skin. Efficiency will also use a mask - a film which thoroughly cleanses the skin without damaging it.
Useful if peeling scrubs for oily skin? Watching in which cases! Tiny beads scrubs, of course, help to cleanse the skin of dead epithelial cells, making it more smooth, youthful and obnovdёnnoy. But to use scrubs and peels for mechanical purification, in the presence of inflammation or acne, you should not to prevent the spread of infection.

Black dots (comedones) are formed when the pores become clogged with sebum and dead cells. How to deal with them? Strips to remove black spots may be a good temporary solution. They help remove dirt from pores, however, have several disadvantages. The strips only removes dirt, but do not prevent the formation of new blackheads. The adhesive on the strips may cause unwanted reactions such as irritation.
Alfagidroksidnye acid, or more simply, fruit acids, as well fighting with black dots
. Means containing these acids gently exfoliate the skin, preventing the contamination of long dead skin cells
. Furthermore, they provide skin moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and glycosaminoglycans
. When stubborn comedones using specific anti-acne agents, which contain substances that normalize the skin and having a keratolytic action (isotretinoin, azelaic acid)
. In the case of an active inflammatory process recommended antibiotic therapy (Benzoyl peroxide, etc.
. )
. But prescribe such drugs should dermatologist
. Help and daily care of oily skin products containing salicylic acid, which, being fat-soluble, easily penetrates into the pores even through a layer of sebum, effectively exfoliates cells accumulated in the sebaceous glands and clog pores
Masks, masks ...
The set of measures for the care of oily skin is sure to include a mask - store bought and homemade.
Using masks is not only nourishes the skin but also its cleansing. If the mask to do a systematic, comprehensive and regularly, then a couple of weeks to see the effect a substantial improvement of the skin, narrowing and pore cleansing.
Simple rules for applying masks to comply with it is easy.
Before applying the mask previously clean skin tonic or lotion. The mask on the face in the middle need to withstand somewhere 15-20, then rinse with cool water or infusion of herbs. Of course, it should not be during this procedure to stretch the muscles of the face and talk. Make a mask for oily skin is recommended on a regular basis, 2-3 times a week.

What are these masks ...
• For oily skin will be extremely useful mask
almond bran
One teaspoon of linden tea brewed on half a cup of boiling water and pour over the almond bran. The mask is applied to every other day for 15-20 minutes; Treatment consists of the 15 masks.
Yeast mask
A teaspoon of crushed yeast, dissolve 1 tsp lemon juice. Then, this mixture add 1 egg yolk. Mix everything and apply on face. To sustain for 15 minutes and then wash off.
Protein mask with lemon juice
It helps to narrow pores and skin whitening, as well as to cleanse the skin and give it a fresh look.
Take 1 egg, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Beat 1 egg with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply on your face and hold for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Kefir Mask
It helps cleanse the skin and drying it.
We need kefir and a cotton swab. Using a tampon put on the skin a small amount of yogurt. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
To obtain additional lifting effect to put the yogurt in layers 10 times. That is, when a layer of yogurt on the skin dries up, we put on top of the next portion of yogurt and so ... 10 times!
• Well tightens and cleans pores
Tomato mask
One slice of tomato slices, lay the slices on the face and stand for 15 minutes. The second option: soak cheesecloth, folded in two layers, with fresh tomato juice and apply on face for 15-20 minutes.
Cranberry Mask
wonderful dries oily skin.
A thin layer of gauze, moisten in the juice squeezed out of cranberries and put on face for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wipe the skin wet and then dry swab. To be effective, such a procedure should be no less than 2-3 times a week. The average exchange rate shall be composed of 15 masks.

Decorative cosmetics
- A separate issue. Pick it very carefully, paying attention to comedogenic, because cosmetics (especially lipstick and blush) may contain substances which can cause clogging of the sebaceous glands and the formation of comedones. And of course, under no circumstances should not be left up on the night.
Pay special attention to what you eat and drink. Less fat, sweet, alcoholic beverages! Keep oily skin under control will help menu, which is based on foods that contain fiber, dairy products, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy skin.
Do not despair! With regular proper cleansing oily skin, use of masks and special cosmetics, narrowed pores will be less comedogenic, which will eventually disappear, as will be the regular cleansing of pores. Gradually, more or less normalizes the sebaceous glands become less noticeable shine and life with oily skin will no longer seem quite so ordeal.