If you've ever tried microdermabrasion procedure in the salon, or clinic, you know all the benefits that it gives our skin. The lack of one - in the interior are often not enough time. In addition, microdermabrasion is not exactly cheap (in Moscow from 2 thousand rubles per session) and requires several visits to the salon for a good result. Therefore logical question: is it possible to do microdermabrasion at home? Answer happy: Of course, it is possible, and in domestic methods have a choice.
What is microdermabrasion? In fact, it is a physical exfoliation of the skin, exfoliating the top layer of cells, giving the skin a healthy shine and helps the renewal and growth of cells. Additional advantages of the procedure may be noticeable softening of the skin, reducing wrinkles, scars, acne and even relief. Microdermabrasion is equally good for oily and dry skin, and only with sensitive skin should use caution.
Salon treatment lasts about 60 minutes (one session), and must be repeated every 2-4 weeks to improve the result. While home skin resurfacing can be done at any time and do not spend much time on it. However, to achieve salon results deep unlikely, but significantly improve the condition of the skin and possibly household methods.

Option 1: Cosmetic cream with the effect of microdermabrasion
In the Russian market one of the best examples of such tools:
- Mary Kay TimeWise Microdermabrasion.
This two-stage exfoliation. It is represented by two means. Step one: it means Refine, very good exfoliating cream, polishing and polishing. The cream contains aluminum oxide crystals used by dermatologists in the salons for professional skin care. Second step: Replenish Serum with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. Both tools together are as one salon treatment microdermabrasion (2100 rub.), But are designed for multiple applications. You can use 2 times a week.

- Estee Lauder Idealist Micro-D Deep Thermal Refinisher.
Apply the product you need on moisturized skin. Thermal Scrub, so first you feel a slight warmth, perhaps a slight tingling. This means that the pores open and beginning to get rid of the dead cells, sebum and dirt. The results will be visible after the first application: the skin like silk and the pores are closed. A means may be used once a week. The cost - more than 2 thousand rubles, but in terms of the number of applications is still tangible savings compared to the salon microdermabrasion procedure.

- Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System.
This two-stage system consists of scrub based crystals and activating serum lactic acid. And as a result - wrinkles are aligned, even deep nasolabial folds become smaller, the skin bright and fresh. An added bonus - a pleasant citrus-floral fragrance means. The cost of this product a little more than a pair of 600 rubles (online stores). A great alternative to expensive salon treatments.

Option 2. Pets massagers and vibrators
Home kits usually have a modest capabilities than salon treatment, but more effective than creams. Home systems do not penetrate deep into the skin, so to cope only with the peeling. It is, however, admit that they do so efficiently and effectively.
These are handheld devices that allow increase the effects of scrubs by vibrating movements or massage. Typically, the system is a set of massager and scrub (or abrasive patches). The main active ingredient in the patches or scrub - aluminum oxide crystals that are used in professional equipment for microdermabrasion. Sometimes massager brush stands face. Feels like microdermabrasion treatments from the salon. There are affordable options and more expensive. And it is better to trust the trusted brand when choosing a system for your home. For example:
- Neutrogena Microdermabrasion System.
The system can use three times a week. It consists of a masseur and nozzle applicators. Each of the nozzles - a disposable product, comprising crystals having and glycerol. The entire procedure is microdermabrasion home consists of four steps: 1) to attach the nozzle to the massage device; 2) wet nozzle; 3) include massage and massage the face for 1-2 minutes; 4) thoroughly rinse the face.

- Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System.
It is an alternative to expensive brushes for the face of the Clarisonic. Unlike the Neutrogena, this item exfoliates the skin not only with crystals, but also with a brush. Use the system should be 1 time per week.

Option 3. Diamond Systems
It is more expensive, but more effective option. One such device is worth more than $ 200 (the most modest option). The result of both the salon treatments. The main client of such systems - are women with aging skin.
Microdermabrasion gets a special role for aging skin, and is often considered anti-aging beauty treatments. After all, our skin thickens with age. When we are young, we have on the skin is formed of 5-6 layers of dead cells. With age, the number of layers increases to 7-8. Microdermabrasion helps to get rid of extra layers and makes the skin young and radiant.

Diamond Microdermabrasion is considered more secure compared with crystals. The procedure exfoliates dead cells, stimulates the skin of the face and skin like a vacuum cleaner removes dust, dirt and dead particles. Diamond dermabrasion home carried out by special machines with diamond tips. These home systems can not only exfoliate the skin, but also lighten the skin, smoothes wrinkles and even reduce the scars.
There is only one drawback of such devices - their high cost and low market coverage. Buy them can be in the main online stores, and will have to pay more than 200 dollars.

Option 4: Home Recipes
It is the most affordable way to do microdermabrasion at home. Homemade recipes cost a penny, because they are used to a very simple and cheap ingredients. There are several options:
- Physical peeling with a sponge, pumice sponge.
- Exfoliate using beach sand.
- Home scrub with brown sugar and honey.
- Exfoliate using sea salt. Previously, beauticians advised to use baking soda, but now this ingredient is used less active, and only for the body, not the face.
- Scrub with Epsom salts.
It is necessary to warn that the physical peeling should be performed no more than 2 times a week, and do not expect to reduce wrinkles and age spots - homemade recipes are only able to peel.