Who would have thought that it is easy and quick to correct the shape of eyebrows can common thread? Perhaps this news to some ladies may seem incredible, but the beautiful half of South Asia and Europe have long been tested on itself an amazing process of trading - hair removal using cotton thread. How is it that simple?
So unexpected and effective use of cotton thread learned in ancient Egypt and India, where to this day, this procedure is very popular. The Arabs call it Khitai, the Egyptians - FATL, but in the West and around the world it is more commonly known as Trading (threading). In South Asia and the Middle East, women are taught from an early age to get rid of unwanted hair with the help of threads. This can be done both in the salon and at home. In general, trading is used to remove unwanted hair from the eyebrows and the face, but the practice of hair removal and other parts of the body.
"Nodule to start up ..."
Before epilation the selected area of the skin, it is desirable to disinfect. For trading fit plain white cotton thread of average thickness of about 35-40 cm in length. It is folded in half and knotted at the ends of a strong knot. Then, putting the resulting textile circle on the thumbs and index fingers of both hands a few times (about seven) rolled it down the middle and pull strongly to left two triangles.

The resulting "tool" bring to the selected site and begin to rapidly spin it across the skin. So the thread turns into a kind of rope that lifts and captures unwanted hair tightly pulls them, pulls and twists of hair follicles. After the procedure, the skin is re-disinfected and put a cool compress to minimize irritation.
The effect can last up to six weeks. A good specialist with the help of threads can save even the smallest hairs. For beginners this will be possible only after long practice. With regular procedures with cotton threads hairs become thinner and much less often. In general trading lasts from 5 to 15 minutes depending on the quantity of hair.
"A spoon of honey"
This method of hair removal is probably one of the most harmless, because in addition to the thread with the skin nothing more contacts. When it does not use chemical substances, so trading is suitable even for owners of sensitive skin. If you compare it with the removal of hairs with tweezers, then trading a lot less painful.

Unlike waxing it practically does not touch the upper layer of dead skin cells, thereby leaving less irritation. Trading is very popular among owners of excessively thick eyebrows, which are difficult to tame. In addition, it is quite fast and very practical method of getting rid of unwanted hair.
A little fly
During trading, as well as during many other methods of hair removal, there is some discomfort and light pain. But, thanks to the speed of the procedure, attention to these little sharpened. It is important not just to break the hairs and pull them entirely. Otherwise, they will start to grow much faster, and the probability of ingrown hairs.
We must admit that unlike other modern methods of hair removal result after cotton yarn not last so long. In addition, significant negative trading - it is difficult to find a good specialist. In our country, while their unit. A self-learn the skills of cotton hair removal without the advice and guidance of a professional is quite difficult.

It is not necessary to resort to trading, those who have:
- On the skin there are any growths (warts, moles, etc.)
- Have herpes, burns or wounds;
- Are viral or infectious disease;
- Significantly expanded veins;
- There is acute or chronic skin disease, epilepsy;
- Pregnancy.
And finally, some tips:
- Use only natural cotton yarns;
- Before re-trading, wait to make the hairs were not less than 10-30 mm;
- To relax the hair follicle and facilitate the release of his hair, apply a warm compress to the skin.