Treatment of enlarged pores
 A serious problem in this area is the expansion of pollution and then when improperly treated persons. In combination with dry skin it brings great harm. But now there are many ways of narrowing far - there are cosmetics that mask them so as if there is no problem. Today we present some modern ways of solving your problems.

Granular formulations

To help implement the pores of their function, that is to allocate body fat, you must use special cleansers with granules that massage the skin thereby removing dead skin cells. Note scrubs for everyday use, in their composition, as a rule, include oats, orange peel, ground nuts and rose petals.

Be careful with the use of granular resources   they clean the skin very carefully. And most importantly - do not overdo it, this will reduce the production of fat. The most suitable use case - once or twice a week.

Face massage

This method is ideal for deep pore cleansing. Usually massage adjusted individually, taking into account peculiarities of your skin. Therefore it is best to consult with a specialist who, "on the spot", taking into account all the features and nuances, for you will pick up a set of cleaning procedures.

Mikrodermabroziya (removal of the epidermis with a medical or cosmetic purpose)

Mikrodermabroziya aimed at removing the epidermis of the skin. Thus, there is a cleansing of the already dead cells. This procedure stimulates the production of collagen, so skin becomes smooth.

The procedure can take place in the cabin, but there are now drugs that allow for it yourself, at home. But be careful - if you have problems with veins, the use of systems mikrodermabrozii contraindicated.

Alpha and beta acids

Both alpha and beta acids purified pores from dead cells, only the alpha acid is composed primarily of water, and the beta-acid comprises salicylic acid, which dries the skin and penetrates the sebum, helping the process of purification.

Pay attention to cosmetics containing salicylic acid if you have combination skin.


Consult a dermatologist, you may need a strong way to cleanse the pores, then use products containing tritonin. Do not forget that if you have sensitive skin, it is better to use moisturizer, which include this substance.

Makeup Tips

Do not use a foundation. It's not possible clogging of the pores (the modern means for a long time do not create such an effect) - simply "daubed" creams pores will attract even more attention.

To hide enlarged pores, better use powder.   It perfectly masks, and skin becomes smooth.

Use creams, tightens and cleans pores. However, use of these creams must only as intended and in those places where the pores in need of treatment.