Home Cures
 If the SPA-resorts are unattainable dream for you, then do not despair, because a true spa resort can arrange just as I can at home. You need only to find that little bit of time to create an appropriate atmosphere and tune in a good mood. Excellent relaxation and toning provided!

To improve health, make the skin beautiful, calm the nervous system and regain balance, you need to buy for a home spa therapeutic sea salt, which is sold in a large range of cosmetic stores and pharmacies .  And to cheer up and to plunge into the fascinating world of nature sounds, you can purchase the recording sounds of the surf, wild birds singing, the sound of rain .  The combination of water treatments and soothing background noise helps to relax, to regain the beauty and youth .  In making the healing bath water temperature should be comfortable, not to exceed 37-38 ° C .  A pleasant stay in the water should be no more than fifteen minutes, because the water is too hot or lengthy procedure may cause problems with blood circulation .  For standard bathtubs need at least 500 grams of sea salt, and existing thereto various additives help to obtain additional effect when taking a bath .

 Home Cures
 Home bath with sea salt   - A great tool for stress relief, and combined with soothing music or nature sounds, such a procedure is capable of providing a complete rest. To Session home spa treatment has benefited not only the nervous system, but also contributed to the beauty of the skin before taking a bath, it is desirable to clean the skin, but not soap or gel as a natural scrub, as which can be used as sea salt, coffee grounds, crushed rolled oats. After this cleansing, she actively absorb the nutrients while in the bath becomes smooth and soft.

To prepare Home scrub You need to take 2 cups of ground sea salt and mix it with 2 tbsp. spoon of dried and ground orange peel, 2 drops of cedar oil and 3 drops of ginger. With the addition of essential oils scrub becomes tonic, antibacterial properties, and is well soothes the skin. All ingredients are blended and the resulting mixture is applied to the body in a circular motion. After a light massage peeling wash off with warm water.

 Home Cures
 Balneological resorts are also famous for their pronounced effect of mineral water on a woman's age-old problem of how cellulitis . To ensure a full course of anti-cellulite, you need to take a bath with sea salt with the addition of algae 2-3 times a week for five weeks. The duration of such baths should be only 10 minutes, during which sea salt with algae removes toxins, helps to improve the contours of the body and makes the skin supple. After the bath should not immediately take a shower, you need to wrap myself up in a bathrobe and twenty minutes just to relax - so all the nutrients that are left on the skin will have time to soak. At this time good to drink a cup of herbal tea or used twenty minutes another SPA-procedures, because sea salt - is a recognized beauty expert.

Especially this procedure helps when the bags under the eyes, and edema . First, a solution of sea salt at the rate of 1 tsp. Per cup of warm water. When the water becomes cool, it is necessary to moisten two cotton pads and put them on the eyelids, taking a relaxed pose and relaxing. After 10 minutes, remove the cotton pads, face rinse with cool water and then it is already possible to take a shower.

After showering the whole body at once, or cause cellulite firming cream. Since the pores after bathing and showering are open, all contained in the cosmetic product active components penetrate deeply into the skin and the effect of such procedures will be visible very soon. After five weeks of "orange peel" significantly reduced, and the initial stage it will be virtually unnoticeable.

 Home Cures
 Baths with sea salt will be useful also to those who want to cheer up after a day and remove muscle fatigue . While the tub is typed, you need to put 8-10 bags of mint tea under a stream of hot water. Alternatively, you can use mint drops that drip into the cup to the brim filled with sea salt and then dissolved in the bathroom. Contained in mint menthol helps to relieve pain in muscles and activates blood circulation, sea salt relieves muscle tension and helps to feel refreshed and rested. This bath is especially indispensable in the event that evening after work still to be a hike or a visit to various events. Just 15 minutes a bath will help to cheer up, to throw off the burden of problems and fatigue.
Author: Natalia Biatova