Strong, bright, obedient hair - it's not a gift of nature, and the result is a competent care. If you do not be lazy and not to spare the time, you can easily outshine girls from advertising shampoo. Take a note on the advice of professionals! Paul Mitchell brand experts to share their experiences.
For shine
If you do not skip school physics, you certainly know that the brilliance - a reflection of light from the smooth surface. Thus, the hair glistened, you need only to align their structure.
Your assistants:
- air conditioning, closing keratin scales.
Best of all - a moisturizing and smoothing with algae, rosemary extract, jojoba oil;
- leveling Serum
(You can find an assortment of trade marks). This tool is applied to wet hair before styling - it sticks together and split the scales at the same time gives a silky tresses. Note serum generally highly concentrated, so to obtain the desired effect, even long hair is enough 1-2 drops of the product.
- Special shine in the form of sprays or gels.
First give the hair shine and light are perfect for everyday use. You can pick up a vehicle with fixing - it will replace the varnish and keep packing for the day. To keep hair in good condition, choose a spray with caring ingredients such as wheat proteins, vitamin E, herbal extracts and oils.
As for the gel-like shine, they create a "mirror effect" and are more suitable for creating evening pilings. Apply a few drops of the product to the hair and hands give them a desired shape. These glosses are easily mixed with other styling - lotions, mousses and serums already mentioned.
In the cabin:
One of the main obstacles on the way to shiny hair - cross-section of the tips. Remove them, unfortunately, can only radical method, ie, haircut. In this connection, go to the salon, and no regrets shear damaged areas. In order to again in the future do not encounter this problem, do some prevention. As the hair begins to delaminate from the lack of moisture pick intense hydrating mask and air conditioning, holding the water molecules inside the hair. You can also try a haircut hot scissors. It effectively fights with his cross-sections, but only if you do it every 4-6 weeks.
For silky
Hair became rigid and feels like straw? Perpetrators of this may be a few. First of all, the sun's rays, high temperatures - in general, any external influences, draws moisture and deprived curls vitality. In addition, deterioration in the quality of hair can be due to the departure of the illiterate.
Your assistants:
- Sun- and heat-protective agents
Neutralizing harmful hair factors. Thermal protection applied to wet hair before each laying (unless, of course, use the paddles, tongs or hot air). Funds with UV-filter is desirable to use even in a city - in this case, however, it will be enough styling with sun functions.
- air conditioning
That increases the elasticity of the hair and prevents tangling. Well, if it contains beta-carotene, grape seed oil, carrot extract and other natural ingredients. Do not forget that the air conditioner is used after the mask, because the latter opens the keratin scales, and this in itself makes the hair unpleasant to touch.
In the cabin:
deeply moisturize curls and make them silky and shiny help screening procedure. The gist of it - in caregiver applying colorless composition, penetrating into the hair structure and fills it with moisture from the inside. Screening can be carried out after staining or by itself. The effect persists for at least a month.
For beautiful styling
Obedient can make the hair of any type. But I have to try and surround the hair care and attention. Keep in mind to get a good result is possible only through an integrated care. In other words, spending and domestic, and salon treatments.
Your assistants:
 - competently picked up cosmetics - taking into account the type of hair and their condition at the moment, and other parameters. If you have a lifetime struggle with fluffy curls, choose a smoothing products (which usually is marked «smoothing»).
- Owners of fine hair needs funds with panthenol, which increase the amount of hair and moisturize at the same time, restore the damaged areas. For each type of hair also has its own styling (eg, spray volume or basal serum elasticity curls, etc., special products for dry hair). In order not to get lost in all the available Diversity Pick up care with a professional.
In the cabin:
not to spend hours in front of a mirror, do ... the right haircut. It is proved that after a visit to a good master time laying shortened to a few minutes. If you have long hair, and do not forget every 6-8 weeks, trim the ends and cutting out the need to do.