Quickly and easily smooth hair help us correct and comfortable ironing. However, their regular use can cause serious damage to the hair structure due to excessive heating them. But there are alternative, more harmless ways to straighten your hair. We offer to meet with several of them.
Special cosmetics
For starters, you can buy shampoo, which is composed of elements smooth and soften the hair structure. But do not take the first available tool on the shelf. Try to buy only good products that have a positive impact on the structure of the hair. Do not forget to rinse hair well after shampooing. Otherwise, it remains of weighing it down, and hair will look messy. Additionally, it is desirable to use a mask or balm of the same line as the shampoo.
Comb wet hair
Another no less popular method of smoothing hair - is combing them after washing. Then head wrapped with a towel, giving the hair a few minutes to rest and repeat the combing. This should be done as long as the hair does not become straight. Do not use a comb with metal teeth, they damage the hair or stronger than they go awry.

This method is not recommended for women with dry and colored hair. In any case, use a comb with wide teeth, bone or plastic brushes. After the procedure, be sure to combing hair spray sprinkle caring, paying particular attention to their tips. Such a move will save the hair from the later section or breaks.
Old, good hair dryer
Straightens the hair and using a conventional dryer. To do this, the hair divided into several sections depending on their density. For convenience, they can be killed with special clamps. Take a large round brush in one hand and wrap it one of the strands. In the second hand, take a hair dryer and a gentle push unwind the strand under a stream of hot air. Clock in this case will act as a rectifier.

If you have stubborn hair dryer and one is not enough, you can always take advantage of special cosmetics designed for straightening. But before you purchase be sure to check out their composition. It should not contain harmful substances such as parabens and silicone. After you dry your hair with hot air, walk on them cold stream from the dryer. This will help them to add extra shine and hair style will look just fine.
Plain curling
There is another way rectification - with the help of curling. To do this, completely dry hair, apply a special tool which helps to protect against high temperatures. Divide hair into strands and gradually move along each curling down. But note that the thermal effect of curling is not less aggressive than the same ironing, so this method can not be used too often. When smoothing Curling straightening means can be used for better results.

Miracle Serum
In stores you can buy a variety of straightening serum, which produce many manufacturers of cosmetic products. They tend to have a strong and long lasting effect. If the nature of your hair slightly curled, it is often in addition to any other means of sera for rectification is required. If you have very curly hair and obstinate, it is likely that such sera will be ineffective. And to achieve the desired result, with them you need to use a hair dryer or curling iron.
Keratin chemistry
Perhaps the most drastic way of hair straightening is today considered a chemical straightening using keratin. For this act on the hair with a special chemical composition, which changes the original hair wavy structure. The result in this case may last from three to six months.

But often after such a procedure hair begins to lose its beauty and become lifeless. The result largely depends on the skill of the master and the quality of the composition of chemicals. Never make chemical straightening at home, alone. After this procedure, you will likely have to change the entire line of hair care and choose the medical or reducing series.
Smooth, docile and healthy hair you!