In hair dye has several problems. Of course, it is very difficult to choose the right shade. This is the first question. But there is one problem - what to do when the color begins to "go away"?
The least resistant are all red shades. And their fading worries women more often because they find not very attractive colors as early as 6 weeks. But other colors are troubled when passes a couple of months.
Usually, we choose the simplest solution - to wait. Hair grow on a monthly basis for at least 10-12 millimeters. And dyed hair ever grow back completely. Therefore, we can try to apply growth-promoting foods: vitamin supplements, keratin hair treatments, masks and more.
But there are ways to get back to your color?
Ask a professional
The most effective way is a master professional. Barber advises nutritional products and treatments for the hair to help restore hair to its natural color. Also in the arsenal of tools salon has special tools that restore the natural hair color.

In the salons use the powerful medical complex for the return of his hair color. These funds are salon at the molecular level. As a rule, the procedure is quite simple: the master mixes the two active ingredients (with the client) and applied to the hair and then amplifies the "work" by means of heat. The molecules gradually lose their color, but you will need several treatments to achieve good results. Therefore, you should be prepared that the salon treatment to get rid of the color will be costly. But the hair remain healthy, it is worth paying for!
The professional will also be able to choose the right product for re-staining, if the color to be changed as soon as possible. Here, most importantly, the results were predictable, and the hair is not burnt. This only by the master with experience.

Hair color remover
Under this name means available to remove color from the hair. These funds are in professional cosmetics lines (so sometimes march to the salon is required), but there are means "color remover" and in mass production.

To use the tool for home use, you should keep a few caveats. The basic rule is that the hair should be in good condition before you apply the color remover. Read reviews on blogs and forums about these vehicles have very different opinions. This is due to the fact that girls who tried facility had different hair condition. And the result was only in those who are not spoiled by frequent hair coloring, cut the tips, etc. And the second rule - the sooner the tool will be applied, the more crucial the result you get.
Home remedies for hair color remover eliminates the undesirable permanent coloration for 20 minutes. These funds have brands such as Colour B4, L'Oreal Paris, DeColor, Color Oops, others.

Coloring shampoo home
It is best to begin to return the color when the roots of colored hair regrowing. Because you (or a wizard when it comes to service in the cabin) should see its natural color, which is aiming for.
In order to speed up the "care" of color, use very soap shampoos labeled "Clarifying" (klarifaing). When the roots grow back, select coloring shampoo to one shade lighter regrown (unpainted) roots. Apply the shampoo through the hair from root to tip. This will get rid of a clear border and dyed hair regrowth. Further actions are as follows: 2 times a week to use the means of coloring shampoo klarifaing. About a month later you will be able to do without coloring shampoos, hair back to its natural color.
Traditional recipes
One of the strangest advice is to use strong cleaning agents to remove paint from the hair. Bloggers who have used this method in their diaries show good results. However, after such a tough procedure will have to pay a lot of attention to health of hair vitamins, masks, balms deep action. So, take the foam from the washing powder and apply on the hair at least 3 times. Rinse should be hot water, cold water on the contrary, reinforces the color, so you have to be patient - need water as hot as you can stand it. The result of such a home "Color Remover" - the removal of half or one tone.
Another recipe "of the people" - the use of brightener (eg, hydrogen peroxide). But it must be said that this method is quite aggressive. If you decide on this method, you should only use a bleach specifically designed for the hair (or the concentration of peroxide is recommended only for hair). Most soft and gentle treatment - hair bleach in combination with shampoo. And best of all tinting add any product to the hair was not gray and lifeless.

As you can see, if your colored hair in good condition, any of the techniques become more efficient. And one more advice from stylists: If you do not like hair color, try using good products and for extra shine bright, shiny color makes any more noble, and three-dimensional. Perhaps you can come to terms with a new color, if the hair will have a nice highlight and stay alive.