Aging - a natural process for the human body as well, and graying hair. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this problem. Often, the first gray hairs appear at a young age. But how slow the process and enjoy the natural color of your hair much longer?
Before proceeding directly to the measures it is important to determine the nature and cause of graying hair. When our hair begins to lose its natural pigment - producing cells called melanocytes under - other pigments (mostly grayish-white hue) become more prominent and eventually fill the whole texture of the hair. Usually graying, associated with the beginning of aging, but in fact there are other reasons: special genetics, a lot of stress, malnutrition and other health problems. However, if you follow a few simple tips, you can slow down the natural process.

Quit smoking!
On the dangers of smoking says a lot. It is really harmful to health and is the catalyst of cancer. It is smoking - one of the reasons that cause early graying of hair. So, if you still smoke, try to give up this bad habit as soon as possible. Thus, not only do you avoid the unwanted gray hair, but also to preserve youthful skin and body health in general.
Refuse from excessive use of alcohol, coffee and fast food
In the modern world - it is one of the most popular products, the obsession which often develops into habit. Large servings of alcohol, caffeine and unhealthy diet - are the biggest enemies to our skin and hair. Wonderful and completely abandon the harmful products. But if this is difficult to do, then at least try to reduce the dose of their consumption. Avoid unhealthy food and replace it with natural, healthy products, rich in vitamins. Drink plenty of water to rid the body of toxins.

Struggling with stress
Stress - a major cause of graying hair. During long periods of nervousness, anxiety, tension and anxiety hair begins to lose its pigment. That is why try to get rid of such conditions. It effectively helps meditation, deep breathing, yoga, relaxation, aromatherapy, and other soothing and harmonizing activities.
Get enough sleep
Very important sleep sufficient time (at least 7-8 hours per day). This, incidentally, is useful not only for the condition of the hair, but also for the body skin. So put off all unfinished business and a good night's sleep.

We maintain an active lifestyle
In order to keep yourself in good shape, you need to train intensively. This helps to improve the blood circulation, to ensure proper blood flow and, accordingly, the condition of the skin. In this case, you can not even go to beauty salons. In the passive way of life is difficult to keep yourself in shape, even if you will comply with the right diet and give up bad habits. It is useful to make regular head massage with appropriate oils for better blood flow to the hair follicles. Spend more time outdoors and play sports, then they want to turn gray hair soon.
Eat protein foods
Proteins - the most important component is the normal production of melanin - the protein maintains normal pigmentation of skin and hair. Try to eat as much food rich in protein, while avoiding too much fatty foods. Turkey, chicken, soybeans, sprouted whole grains, cereals - all this is an excellent source of healthy protein.

We supply the body with B vitamins
This group of vitamins can help you to stop graying hair. Eat foods rich in vitamins B2, B6, B12. These include whole wheat bread, bananas, oatmeal, dairy products, eggs, green leafy vegetables, meat, etc.
Do not forget the copper, iodine and selenium
Copper - a very important element that must be present in the daily diet. Eat more spinach, turnip greens, beef liver, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, almonds, lentils, mushrooms and seafood, and soon you will notice amazing results.
If there is insufficient iodine hair begins to turn gray faster. In order to prevent this, include in your diet fish, spinach, carrots and bananas.
Selenium - is another important element, the lack of which causes premature aging of the organism. It is found in fish, shellfish, wheat, corn, soybeans, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

Try Indian gooseberry juice
If you want even more impressive results, you can buy amlu - Indian gooseberry. It is believed that it helps to effectively get rid of gray hair. Within a few weeks, rub the juice into his skin head. Combine this procedure with a light massage of the head. This will help restore blood circulation, hair will turn gray, and much more slowly and become much healthier.
If all of the above rules should stop hair graying, and your state of health is much improved. Remember that your health depends on you!