Typically, oily hair, many people associate with the untidy, greasy hair. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that the oil in the hair care is not used as often. And in vain! Its wonderful properties that allow carefully restore and nourish damaged hair follicles, are to "bathe" your hair in the whole oil bath.
Use oil in skin care face and body are used to and loved many women. Rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals, they are perfectly moisturize and soften the skin, protect against harmful environmental influences, aging and help prevent sunburn. So why are not the useful properties of oil to test our hair?

For oil bath just a few drops
Despite the name, the procedure "oil bath" should not be taken literally. You should not completely dipping the hair in a bowl with oil. Just a few drops of warmed in a water bath of oil to put on damp hair along the entire length - from head to tip. Then you need to cover them with shower cap and towel, leave it for 2-4 hours, preferably overnight. Oil residues should be thoroughly washed off with a mild shampoo. It does not often much oil to rub into the scalp, otherwise its particles will accumulate, clogging your pores and weighing the hair.

Benefits noticeable after the first time
The effect of oil treatments can be seen after the first of their use, not to mention their regular use. Thanks to them, the hair regain their lost luster, silky and soft. Oil penetrates deep into the hair structure, arranging the location of its scales and protecting them from adverse external influences. Oil bath capable of preventing damage to the hair before coming perm, bleaching or straightening using the ironing.

Particularly useful are oil treatments for dry, frizzy hair with a porous structure. As a rule, curls pretty capricious, often go awry, forming lumps and difficult to style. Among the industrial cosmetics it is very difficult to choose the right. It is much easier to "atone for" curly hair in the bath with natural oil. After her curls acquire a natural, healthy appearance, become more obedient and shiny.
Fly in the ointment in a bath of oil
No matter how wonderful the oil bath, and they have drawbacks. First of all, this applies to dyed hair, oils can interact with the colored particles, washing or changing hair color. Therefore it is better to use oil painting of hair treatments, and not after.

Abuse oil baths can cause loss of hair volume, due to a decrease their moisture and fat natural lubrication. It is advisable not to use the procedure more often 2-3 times a week. Another drawback of such baths - in the weighting of hair due to the remaining oil particles in them. This can be avoided through careful, two-time washing the head with a mild shampoo.
Selecting individual oil
The easiest way - is to take the usual vegetable oil. Of course, you can buy ready-made and cosmetic oils, but they are not cheap and often contain harmful for the hair and skin silicone and chemicals. Much better to pick themselves natural oils suitable for your hair type. Some of the most popular and common oils:
- Olive,
- Argan,
- Coconut,
- Shea butter (shea butter)
- cacao butter,
- Almond,
- Macadamia oil,
- jojoba oil,
- Peach ...

Which one is better - hard to say. Some of them have good regenerative properties and stimulate hair growth (magnolia oil, castor, almond), other protected and purified (palm, macadamia nuts, cocoa), the third increase shine and softness (shea butter, jojoba, peach). For dry and frizzy hair are ideal Shea Butter, Argan, Abyssinia.

But perhaps the most accessible of all - is olive oil. It is not the most effective, and the smell was not particularly pleasant. However, it is easiest to start "oil experiments" over the hair. For best results and acceptable to use a mixture of several oils, e.g., almond oil, castor oil or avocado oil olive, coconut and castor oil. In any case, a method of using the same oil baths.

Try to "butter up" their hair, and they will respond with gratitude to you for its beauty and health!