About two years ago I did not think that I will be a supporter of the movement shampoo-free. Salvation became another passion co-washing, washing hair conditioner. However, purchased air conditioners are not please with the labels - many chemicals in them! So - it's time to do air conditioning with his own hands.
It turned out - nothing could be simpler. Some of the home recipes even easier than a face mask, so familiar to many women.
If you want to put on the hair and scalp only natural products, if you want to have after washing brilliant, beautiful and silky hair - this collection of home air conditioners for you. Choose the one that liked the most. One clarification: Because natural ingredients are not as active and aggressive, the time for their effects on the hair takes longer. If you purchased air conditioners for 5-7 minutes is sufficient, the need for home 20-30 minutes.
Mayonnaise + egg protein + yogurt
This structure will not only outside of the hair, but also from the inside. Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup yogurt (plain, no fruit, vanilla, you can - if the smell is pleasant)
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise (natural, better than the preparation, if the purchase - with a minimum of artificial additives)
- Egg whites 1 egg
How do:
Whisk first protein, and then all the ingredients together. Apply foam on the hair. Put on a shower cap and wait for about 30 minutes, watch favorite movie or read a magazine. If the composition starts to flow - it is not very pleasant. So you can put a towel over his shoulders, or wrap a towel on top of her head as a turban. It's time to rinse, it can only be done with warm water, not hot, because hot water + egg white omelet =.
Photo: petitelefant.com
Conditioner with honey
The smell of this composition is much nicer than the previous one. It is very good for oily hair. Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup honey
- 4 tablespoons olive oil (if hair is oily, it is possible to reduce the amount of oil)
How do:
Mix the honey and butter, pour the mixture through a funnel into a plastic bottle of shampoo or conditioner. Before applying, shake and apply to hair. Cover hair shower cap, leave on hair up to 30 minutes. Then rinse your hair.
Photo: pauladeen.com
Coconut conditioner for oily hair
Coconut oil - one of the few that not only makes the hair soft and shiny, but also fragrant. This composition is designed for oily hair, it get rid of excess oils your hair. Ingredients:
- 1 cup water
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil (sold as a product for baking, online stores, you can make your own)
How do:
Beat egg yolks until foamy, add the coconut oil and beat more. Add water and mix until uniform. Apply to the hair and scalp, massage and leave for 2-5 minutes. Wash your hair clean cool water. You will be pleased and luster, and cleanliness, and tropical flavor.

Air avocado
Good fats avocado make hair shiny, docile and easy. Ingredients:
- A fruit of the avocado
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tablespoons water
- 2 tablespoons heavy cream
How do:
Mix all the ingredients, put on your hair and cover your head with a shower cap. Wait 20 minutes, during which time the composition penetrates into the hair follicles. Rinse with warm water. If you do not like the smell of avocado (although nice), rinse your hair with a weak solution of shampoo.
Photo: petitelefant.com
Air conditioning with shea butter
Shea butter recognized fighter with split ends. Besides, it makes the hair thicker and more beautiful. Air turns a bit heavy, so use quite a bit, so as not to weigh down the hair. Ingredients:
- 1 1/3 cups of shea butter
- ½ cup olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
- The essential oil of lavender or rosemary (optional), 15 g
How do:
Preheat shea butter, so that it will melt and become liquid. Add the olive oil. Let the mixture cool down for 30-40 minutes. Add the vitamin E oil and mix.

The easiest air conditioning
For him only one ingredient:
- 2 or 3 ripe bananas
How do:
Mash with a fork to mash the bananas. Massage the hair and scalp with the mixture. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash your hair. Fragrance, shine, silkiness guaranteed.

Photo: care2.com