Motion No Poo (no shampoo) is not reduced. Forums and social networks are filled with happy stories, "I did not wash your hair for a month! "Or" I my head with water only! ". And dermatologists and trichologists start to "sound the alarm": they warn us that the consequence of the No Poo can be hair loss!
This month in the American press has a lot of material about the problem of hair loss. The fact is that in the US in September announced month of special attention to alopecia (National Alopecia Awareness Month). And in some of these materials has been paid great attention to scientific substantiation of doubts about the benefits of failure of the shampoo. Perhaps it is time for us to learn more about the popular hobby.
What is No poo?
This movement, whose members decided to abandon the purchase of shampoo and conditioner, for the sake of health and a commitment to natural products. There are several options as road users adhere to the new guidelines:
- Some even give up shampoo and wash your head with water only;
- There are those who just rinse the head with herbs, air conditioning;
- There is an option when the women agree to use only dry shampoo and rinse hair with water;
- Some in favor of using only homemade shampoos and conditioners (they are made from oil, baking soda, vinegar, etc.).
Why women now refuse to shampoo? There are several explanations. Firstly, the presence of an ingredient in shampoos such as a lead sulphate (known as the sulfates are undesirable components for the hair and skin). Secondly, it is believed that the heavier hair shampoos and even lead to their excessive fat. The argument that the shampoos too radically deprive the scalp and hair sebum, which provokes the production of an excess amount of skin oils and fats.
Why dermatologists against?
Well, that recently there were many opinions of respected authorities on the drag-out of shampoo. Because previously had trusted, mainly of beauty bloggers. And they say trichologists and dermatologists:
Clean the head is of paramount importance for the health of hair. Oil on the scalp is a favorable environment for the growth of fungi that can cause inflammation of the scalp. And so neglect to clean the scalp can have serious consequences: yeast infection, inflammation and hair loss.
Another question: how safe pets compositions with soda and apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice to the rinse aid? Here, too, there is good news. Experts insist that soda and vinegar is more harmful than the shampoo manufacturing. Homemade shampoo can damage your hair: apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are even more destructive with respect to color hair than sulfates because they possess an acidic environment that can change color and destroy. A baking soda dry scalp and hair, which may cause brittleness, hair thinning, and the destruction of the follicle. As a consequence, - hair loss.

But if you still doubt about the safety of purchased shampoo, you will need to know that healthy foods are on the market. You just need to choose them properly.
Ideal shampoo ideal care
So, what is a safe shampoo? Which product search in the shop?
- If you confuse sulfates - buy bezsulfatny product. This shampoos and conditioners labeled "sulfate-free".
- Avoid funds with parabens.
- Eliminate the content of shampoo and conditioner alcohol (alcohol), they dry and desiccate even hair.
But it is important, even not having a good product, and the correct procedure for hair care. Attention to the scalp - the main condition for a healthy and thick hair. You have to take care of the scalp as well as caring for the skin and body. This means that the time given to cleanse, massage, moisturizing and treatment.
Look for hair products are the same ingredients that you look for in products for the skin, which may include retinol, peptides, salicylic acid, collagen, hyaluronic acid, a natural oil, biotin, vitamins. In fact, many of these ingredients have only oil formula (i.e., dissolve only in oil), so the oily and greasy scalp hair can be found and oil-free alternatives for example, oil-free alternative to salicylic acid is willow bark extract.
If the scalp is dry - look for shampoos creamy, opaque and thick consistency. If the skin and hair fat - you can use transparent and gel texture.
Use a dry shampoo is approved by experts. Again, we are not talking about the domestic formulations with cornmeal, which is too large granules, clogging the pores of the scalp. Dry shampoos from the well-known brands have a safe formula, but if you are in doubt, look at the labels and look for ingredients that are useful for scalp. There are dry shampoos for dandruff, the fat content, the dryness - consider your hair type with the purchase.

And one more important tip: Watch out for his life on the condition of hair affects nutrition and hormonal balance. Protect your hair from the sun and aggressive environmental influences, and then you do not need to follow the movement No poo.
The article contains recommendations American experts dermatologist Dr. Dennis Gross and trihologa Elizabeth Cunnane Phillips, published in the press under the National Alopecia Awareness Month (the month of special attention to alopecia).