This will make your hair braid creative and unusual. It looks good on light hair and dark. One condition - the hair should be long, because in the final stages braid decreases somewhere one-third the length.
More little secret of the pigtails - she does best on the straight and silky hair. Therefore, if you have split ends, wavy or dry hair, do not take some good conditioner, hair straightening and leveling. You can make a mask or use a balm for hair. Then the strands are easier to slide around one central locks (well, this is a trick of weaving braids-snake, which we discuss below).
That's what we should be able to:
For pigtails snake-we need only scrunchy. Getting.
Step 1.
We take a small strand of hair and begin to weave the ordinary Russian braid of three strands. Scourge is not very tight, but we should not do too poorly, still need to keep the hair in good spit and hair - do not stand out.
Step 2.
Dopletaem braid almost to the ends. But rubber is not fixed, are holding hands.
Getting to the most interesting. Divide the tip of the pigtail so that each strand was separately. One is to look down, and the other two - the sides. Now hold a central vertical strand, and two side rises to the top.
Step 4.
It is necessary to spread the "snake" evenly and secure eraser.
This pigtail-snake decorate and loose hair, and the hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and create a special romantic addition to the beam.
As you know, the longer the hair - the effect of "snake" is more noticeable. I like that only one braid can give such a rich effect and texture throughout the hair. And when these two or three braids, and it does look like a king. Nobody would think that for such a pigtail takes only a few minutes work!

Author: Olga Larsen