Outside the window is getting colder, and such bad weather can push you to change the hairstyle or hair color. The latest trends will help you choose the right direction. As for color, warm colors prevail over light shades and bold experiments.
Natural hair
In fashion, natural shades. Do not straighten your hair - let your natural curls obrazayut cloud of hair. Just be yourself! Try as little as possible to use modeling tools. The weather is dry, so do not overload the hair unnecessary use of various hair dryers and irons. Make easy, simple to maintain a haircut and more!
Bob Long
If you are looking for a new hairstyle, consider this option as Bob. Instead of a short bob, which is no longer at the height of fashion, leave the hair slightly longer than usual. The latest trend - the length varies between the level of the chin and shoulder. Long bob is easy to installation and is suitable for almost everyone.

Warm shades
Rich brown, warm shades of brown and copper at the peak of popularity. Avoid too rough, too light or false colors. If you make the hair strands of different colors, let them be thin and neutral hues, rather than thick and too bright.

"Clothes" for hair
Hair Accessories really popular this season. Thin headbands decorated with stones and beads will add glamor to your image.

Choose Health
A healthy diet is helpful not only for the body but also for your hair. Drink plenty of water to hair well moisturized and shining. Calcium, protein and "good" fats are also useful for hair. Natural Herbs - also a wonderful way to strengthen the hair.
Updo 60
For special occasions, forget all the tips about natural natural hairstyles. Instead, do something glamorous and climbing. Going to a party, put her hair in a beehive popular in the 1960s. You will need a large amount of spray and studs to repeat the image of Eva Longoria at the Alma Awards. Add a pair of shiny earrings and you're on top!
